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Dark Harvest 2023

This was a pretty decent Halloween movie. Definitely adding it to my list next year.

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Critics have hated on this film but I can't figure out why. Its atmospheric, suspenseful, and visually great. There's a great twist at the end too.

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50's period piece that ropes in some Hunger Games, some Purge, some Children of the Corn and a lot of themes and messages about capitalism and the rich, ruling class. Purposely starving a certain class of young men to make them bloodthirsty and willing to do anything for even a whiff of wealth and stability. Rich families skirting the rules as they "don't have to play the game", I think there's even a direct "milk and honey" quote in there somewhere when one of the boys from a wealthy family is talking about being drugged so he doesn't have to compete. There is much to nitpick throughout, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this one for the sum of its parts. Not quite as polished as it thinks it is, but still very enjoyable. Recommend.

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What is the thing? No one knows. Why it wants to go to the church? No one knows. Why they need to be hungry to get them? No one knows.
What a stupid plot. Who wrote this garbage, a schizophrenic?
And the woke thing at the end? Oh just grow up and go learn how to make a good movie.

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So much better than expected

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Strong production design, solid acting, and some gruesome kills aren't enough to save the predictable story. This is a twist that most audiences will see coming a mile away. The overall premise was also too inexplicable/supernatural for my tastes, with a lot of logistical details being swept under the rug (e.g., how does this small town survive if kids are getting picked off by the dozens every year?).

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this was a fun Halloween movie. Predictable but still great to watch to get the Halloween vibes from it

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Well worth a watch due to a cool creature and some cool kills, also some nice pumpkin spice vibes. Something was missing to cement it an instant classic, but not completely wasted potential.

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The Purge meets Pumpkinhead. Has some Halloween spirit but ends up feeling Hollow-ween. The story was underwhelming, dialogue doesn't always fit, acting is half fine half bad and the characters are rough but I liked Kelly. Atrocious white neon lighting the whole movie. Sawtooth Jack's design is terrifying and badass but you lost me with the CGI parts, it was perfectly doable with practical effects. They didn't use him enough either. A few cool kills. The first hour was predictable but everything after I had no clue where it was going, can't say I liked where it went though. The last scene was by far the best of the entire movie, almost made me sad it was ending.

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A bit disjointed. Pacing was off. Good kills. Predictable plot. Satisfying ending

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Infuriatingly stupid, way beyond general horror movie character stupidity. its like they wrote a stupid ending and made the characters make stupid decisions to reach that ending.The monster design and kills were good though.

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The plot of it was kind of interesting and Sawtooth looked pretty cool too.

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