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Damien: Omen II 1978

A step above the first! The first one was brought down by the fact that Damien was too young and therefore he didn't get much of an arc or character interactions. This is eliminated here with him being older and the 'antichrist coming of age' story is interesting. The child actor is decent and so is the character. Him basically killing people with the Force is pretty badass but lacks explanation and logic. Great theatrical and memorable kills just like the first, my favorites being the crow and elevator ones. As cool as those are, I think there wasn't enough kills, an extra one or two really good ones would have elevated the movie for me. Epic score once again. The ending is kinda weird but I like the final shot.

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The Antichrist rises in Damien: Omen II. Now a teenager enrolled in a prestigious military academy, Damien learns that he is the Antichrist foretold of in the Book of Revelations. Unfortunately, either because of poor writing or acting, Damien’s journey isn’t that interesting. Instead, most of the intrigue lies in the subplot involving a secret cabal that protects Damien. But despite the script issues, the film delivers some intense and disturbing violence. While Damien: Omen II hits a lot of the same beats as the first film, it’s not quite as dark or as ambitious.

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