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Crimes of the Future 2022

For a philosophical and political cyberpunk film, it has some of the most inspired ideas and themes since eXistenZ and The Matrix, but it is structured and directed like a low-budget indie film and that really hurt its accessibility (and it's a pity because the message is really important). It felt like each character was a composite of 2-3 different characters' worth of ideas that didn't quite gel together. Maybe the script needed some trimming and polish, or maybe it would've worked better as a book than a film.

As food for thought, it was spectacular. As entertainment, not so much.

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OMG, I genuinely thought for the whole movie that Lang was played by The Boys' Antony Starr lol Starr and Scott Speedman could be twins!

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What a huge let down. This is an insufferably boring, lifeless and insultingly pretentious dystopian horror. I love how they market this as something truly shocking that would inspire walk outs out when it's not. I recently watched Alex Garland's pretentious sci-fi miniseries and this film gives the exact same energy if we remove all the body horror elements. Nothing about this film is particularly compelling. The lack of tension makes it feel drab and lifeless rather than thrilling. Don’t get me wrong, it looks great, the score is bomb, it has that Cronenberg weirdness all over it, and it seems like there are some interesting themes of human evolution and adapting to an ever-changing environment, but it's all packaged in a way to make it as mediocre as possible. Not to mention the rather uninteresting supporting roles (largely filler), which makes the runtime periodically feels too long. There are some good wince-inducing body horror moments, at least.

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This may be Cronenberg's most sci-fi movie yet.
The fact is, I love David's movies; he can honestly do no wrong. That being said, I was never fully clear on what was going on here.
I mean, I got the overall premise, but as for the why, I can't tell you. Essentially, Earth has become so toxic, humans have evolved beyond pain, and in some cases, standard food. There's a lot more going on here, and I was just unclear on how all the pieces fit. All of this is fairly irrelevant, because I am used to Cronenberg's movies: I know they are going to be weird, like really weird, but they all make sense, even if it's not immediately apparent. The same cannot be said for other artistic directors.
The long and short of this is: If you are already a fan of Cronenberg's other movies, just watch this, it's really good. Reminded me a bit of eXistenZ. If you are not already a fan, do not start here... watch The Fly, work from there.

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Yessss I made it to the end

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might as well start watching surgeries now

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In the near future, he grows tumor-organs in himself, she publicly cuts them out. This performance is considered art, and the law does not approve, but turns a blind eye. After all, the hero is an undercover agent who turns over to the police those who have gone far in changing themselves. But having accidentally discovered a whole community of such NON-humans, he suddenly covers his tracks. Like the director, he wants to know what’s next?

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Not the most enjoyable of watches, it meanders a bit, though 'Crimes of the Future' is most certainly interesting throughout.

I tend to find films like this a little hit-and-miss, as I personally find the constant reaching for shock value or just simple weirdness a bit too forced. And this film does that a few times, but to be fair as the run time was ticking by I could definitely feel myself becoming more and more intrigued by events portrayed on screen.

Cast-wise, Viggo Mortensen and Léa Seydoux great together, very good acting and very good chemistry. Don McKellar (just me who sees a Jeffrey DeMunn likeness in his eyes? probably ...) and Welket Bungué are more than decent too. Kristen Stewart and Scott Speedman give solid showings as well.

A, fair to say, weird one it is, but a weird one that I just about got enough from.

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I was genuinely bored with this movie. I thought something would pick up or change in certain parts, but there just wasn’t here for me

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Future people eating plastic as a societal critique is one thing but the whole thing is just a big mess of quasi philosophical nonsense completely lost by the chock value of the plentiful shots of self mutilation.
None of the leads delivers a performance at their usual level but Kristen Stewarts is absolutely farcical.
It's like she's playing Anna Kendrick parodying Kristen Stewart.
And apparently $27 million gets you props that barely would have been up to par in the 80s.
The whole thing is just spectacularly bad.

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Some interesting ideas and moments, but kinda boring and empty overall. I'm probably being overly generous by giving this a 6/10.

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It might be low expectations due to the mixed response it’s received, but I loved Crimes of the Future. It gave me the mid-tier ‘90s Cronenberg vibe (think Naked Lunch & eXistenZ) that I didn’t know I was craving. His droll humour is in full effect - god how I’ve missed his original scripts and this was only the second he’s had produced since Videodrome. I particularly enjoyed Viggo Mortensen & Kirsten Stewart’s performances but most of the actors were fun - Don McKellar turns in one of his standard oddball turns. Lots of fun nods to earlier Cronenberg movies too. Recommended if you’re nostalgic for that specific kind of body horror surrealist humour.

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There is a return to obsessions with the human body in this film noir that takes place in a painless society, where the new sex consists of the penetration of a scalpel. David Cronenberg builds art from the viscera, finds within the rebellion of nature against technology. There are moments of extraordinary visionary gaze, but also an obvious lack of budget. Wrapped in a fascinating soundtrack, the film walks steadily.

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I like the idea of people evolving and eating plastic. That would solve a lot of problems. But the rest of the movie? Just nonsense.

I also hated existenz so...

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Like most Cronenberg films, it must be seen more than once to fully appreciate. Not for casuals.

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Watched for around 20 minutes and got so bored I turned it off. I cant remember the last movie I didn't finish so this was BAD....

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The only mystery here is that so few could miss the obvious point of Cronenberg's "Crimes of the Future".

Maybe not his best film, but really very very good.

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Painfully slow, and at the end couldn't stop thinking only but WTF. So many questions left. From this director i only have seen ExistenZ and it was a long time ago. I remember it was weird as hell, but don't quite remember if these are common traits of him.

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This movie is for people who eat pizza with a fork and knife.

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The movie has a very serious problem that is tied to the nature of the genre, its immortality: it's full of dialogues that explain, explain, and explain... it feels more like an essay than a film. Horror, on the other hand, never dies because it's a boundless machine: it doesn't need to explain. Other genres, from westerns to musicals to war films, have to justify their narratives and "close" them credibly. Horror doesn't. It has no limits and no obligations. Cronenberg deserves credit for resetting monsters, zombies, and vampires and bringing horror inside us, into our bodies. But in cinema, it would be better to make a spectacle of it, not philosophy.

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This was...bad? I'm not totally sure. I am pretty sure it wasn't good. Weird? For sure. The combination of a world that felt so small with concepts that felt so big was jarring. On top of that, the imagery was at times amazing, but at other points wholly drab. And at the end of it all...I think there were some sort of themes about breaking taboos and the cult of celebrity and (maybe) the manifestation of creativity? I dunno. It was all sorts of odd and didn't quite come together for me.

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Crimes of the Future is a little too out there for me. There are cinematic elements that deserve praise and the premise seems interesting enough but Cronenberg ends up exploring the wrong ideas. Tonguing someone's insides and becoming turned on by grotesque surgeries just doesn't resonate.

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Message overcome by medium, yet painted with elan and commitment. Felt too divorced from a created world to sustain repeated viewing or give a deep sense of awe.

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A vintage science fiction movie.

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Bizarre and intriguing, it's stimulating to see these kinds of retro movies every once in awhile. Not like anything else you've seen since Naked Lunch.

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Despite my fascination for toxic atmospheres with repulsive motifs, Cronenberg’s movies tend to be rather hit and miss. Nothing against his anticlimactic endings – it’s mostly how he tries to make up for the lack of budget with verbose and stilted dialogues that are supposed to make his movies conceptual. Intriguing premises that could have been much more. “Crimes of the Future” marks the director’s return to body horror after the poor reception of his most recent experiments, and it felt particularly close to “Crash” for the wrong reasons. Again, we have the cast walking in circles as they explain the movie directly to the audience in between each set piece. It intrigues for the first few minutes, but it ultimately leaves the impression of a bland and toothless work that doesn’t add anything to what we’ve already seen over three decades ago.

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Some interests concepts here, but ultimately a tedious bore.

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Cronenburg returns to body horror with this film but he really shouldn't have bothered. It's too reminiscent of Existenz and Crash and as such, offers little that is new.

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...What did I just watch?

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Crazy arthouse movie by David. Reflects on today's problems. Really thoughtful, many layers.

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According to the critics, it should have been the film of the week. Hard however to understand anything and why the director insisted on such unclear plot development, even if the message was more or less outlined. I even thought I went to the wrong screen and was seeing Bodies Bodies Bodies, sign that the title might be out of place.

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First of all - if you are planning on watching this expecting to see a Kristen Stewart movie, you will be very disappointed. She is barely in this movie.
I haven't watched a Cronenberg movie since Existenz (1999). I'm going to have to go find some of his other works from the last 20 years.
This is definitely a throwback, or homage even to his earlier work. So if you like the Cronenburg genre, you will most likely enjoy this. For me however, it felt thin and tired. Not his best.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I fail to see why anyone would walk out on this movie unless they found it as incredibly boring as I did.
I am assuming the walkouts were all part of the hype and as poorly put together as the set dressing of many scenes within this film.
For me this was one movie too far for David Cronenberg, it was just utterly terrible throughout, maybe I expected more, maybe I was taken in by the hype but whatever it was that I expected I was left completely bereft and can only offer 1 star for this.

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Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2022-07-04T01:59:39Z— updated 2022-07-10T15:47:52Z

More like Sex of the Future. It's gross, perverted, disturbing and not a single likable character. Probably the weirdest movie i've watched in my life.

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Slow and really not that interesting. I tapped out after an hour and ten minutes

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