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Cosmic Sin 2021

Wow, Grillo and Willis agreed on making a bad movie. After I saw Willis on Breach, I know that this would be a disaster too. They have spent a few bucks for the aliens and that was for the make up powders. I am not talking about CGI because I have seen better effects at movies shot by 80s where there were no computers. If you are bored as hell and want to watch a shitty movie, come on in and have a seat.

I give 3 stars for this movie. 1 for deciding to shoot a movie, 2 for shooting the movie and third star is the idea of that flying suits. I loved it. That's it.

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this movie makes breach looks like a good film.... at least is not pretentious like this garbage.... WTF is happening?Who are allowing bad stuff like this to happen to begin with?

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can you hear that? it's the loud scraping of the barrel that is a complete and utter turd of a movie whilst the loud death knell of aged careers pays for a semi retirement but fades into ever increasingly oblivion.

seriously even under a sci fi b movie tolerance this is one of the worst movies I have watched.

there are even some bizarre similarities with power rangers but at least they didn't pretend to be an actual serious movie.

save the waste of your life watching this shitty movie and watch a decent re-run

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I should have used my sixth sense. At one point in his career, Willis was unbreakable. Sadly, his career has now died hard. The movie is like a blind date with the worst person in the world, a serial killer moonlighting as a dame to kill for. The movie is cinematic armaggedon, an alpha dog of a mess that fails to go the whole nine yards.

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Pfff what a bad movie, this movie felt cheap.
If you can't sleep, please watch this movie, because this move let you to sleep easily :P

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What am I watching? One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Completely weak story, really bad jokes and not even solid acting.

Watched it cause of Bruce Willis but it was not entertaining nor worth the time for watching.

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Stay away. Please , stay away.

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Don’t get fooled by the appearance of Bruce Willis.. This is a very uninspiring movie and that shows in Bruce’s face. The plot is very thin and the ‘aliens’ are basically gurgling people in capes.

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So many people I know and like and such a forgettable movie. Shame

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ok breach was good same director, bruce wilis. but is not even funny. wonder why bruce wilis said yes to this movie

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Bruce Willis now has arthritis in his acting ability. Frank Grillo appeared briefly and died. Budget Ryan Reynolds gets shot in the head. There was a string of attractive female who served no purpose. Apparently, the characters all had names but I didn’t give a shit enough to care for them. The budget for the graphics would’ve been better spent on a bar of Cadbury’s. The aliens appeared to be as easy to defeat as easily as they swarmed.

The premise of this movie had some potential. The execution of this movie resulted in garbage.
I want my 90 minutes back.

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I could only tolerate 50 minutes of this movie. Bruce Willis must be desperate for money.

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There is a way a film can accelerate with being terrible until it reaches the supersonic state where everything turns upside down. The worst turns so bad that it is awesome again.
This definitely doesn't happen with this one. It just triples at turtle speed of bad, so it unfortunately can never reach that level of awesome awfulness.
I guess they spent all their budget on hauling Bruce from his retirement, so it was unfortunately not possible to invest in some good acts, a decent script, great props and all that weird stuff required for making great SciFi.
And it isn't even funny, not with good nor with bad intention even.
Don't waste your time.

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I didn't think Cosmic Sin was as bad as everyone said, until 20 minutes in. :person_facepalming_tone2::male_sign: In fact, it kind of reminded me of an Asylum movie, except that I actually like Asylum movies. The real problem is, Cosmic Sin doesn't even have the balls to be exceptionally bad, it's just bad in all the boring ways.

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Did this movie have any dialogue written before filming? Because it looks like it was all ad-libbed on the spot. I will give them some credit though, some lines were probably written in the break room on a dirty tissue a few minutes before the shoot.

Everything about this movie is bad, except for maybe the filming equipment. Probably in my top 10 worst movies I ever saw.

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Me before watching the movie: Well, Bruce Willis hasn't had a good track record recently, but maybe this one might be decent.

Tired Bruce Willis: mumbles I don't think so chief.

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WTF I just watched?!
Amazon movies products is worth a s**** ‍♂

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I feel like the big gun is the film's breakout star

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Trust in the title. This movie is a cosmic sin.

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I was interested in the beginning but soon get very boringgggg

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Certainly not a good movie, but slightly better then I expected based on the reviews

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If it's not too late, don't watch this film. It's a total waste of your time.

I have never been so bored watching humanity face possible annihilation.

From the start I was gob smacked just how little effort and imagination appeared to go into the film. it's supposed to be five hundred years in the future... Wow, amazing how little forward humanity goes in five hundred years.

The opening scene was supposed to be about first contact? There was absolutely no tension, no imagination and no character... in the characters.

Bruce Willis must have hit hard times to be involved with this trash.

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Someone call Bruce Willis, we're making Halo: The Motion Picture.

Dude, we don't have the rights to that.

Okay, okay. Gears of War: The Motion Picture.

What's wrong with you, we don't have those rights either. In fact, we don't have the rights to ANY video game franchise.

I got it! Cosmic Sin: The Motion Picture!

What's Cosmic Sin?

Hold my beer.

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every time i watch a sci-fi movie that's boring i feel personally offended and attacked by its creative team. how do you make aliens boring. HOW. actors did what they could with an uninspired story i guess. well. bruce willis was kind of lazy but i put him in the nic cage acting category so i never expect him to be 100% unless he feels like it.

man at least i got to look at adelaide kane's stunning face most of the time.

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Shout by wpafbo79
BlockedParent2021-07-24T07:28:40Z— updated 2021-08-01T06:19:59Z

From the beginning, it is one giant C.F. How Sayle can fail to answer that things went poorly is beyond me. It is a simple question with a very obvious answer. Yet she is too stupid or incompetent to answer the question.

Then, as prepared as the Alliance seems to be, they most definitely are not. Goss is a complete moron and the military is ill-equipped to fire their own weapons. As soon as the survivors begin advancing in a threatening manner looking like zombies and ignoring the guns pointed at them, fire the damn guns! Don't keep standing there. Blow them away. And after several guards are killed, Goss still doesn't want to engage. Later she is surprised the aliens can figure out how to fire a gun in a few seconds. Shoot her in the head because she isn't using it.

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Nope, nope, nope. just nope. Not worth the time to write up any of the reasons why. The real tragedy here is a lot of people worked very hard to make something, that should never have made, watchable. Their best efforts were not enough.

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I still don't know what this movie was about, I tuned in because of Bruce

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Basic plot failed. You don't go around nuking other intelligent life forms. Leaving that aside, it is usual plot of destroy them before they destroy us. I think the producers cancelled the advisors for Bruce Willis salary. There were so many technical mistakes. In summary, watch this when you have absolutely nothing left.

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Si vis pacem para bellum

I don't care what others think, this movie is great. And the afore mentioned quote is something we all should take to heart.

Its actually a quite realistic depiction of a first contact. It is highly unlikely that any civilization will see a less advanced one as an equal. And wherever there is inequality, there will be either bloodshed or exploitation.

The more unlikely civilisations are - Spain and the Maya are actually a good example, since their values were nearly opposite to each other from what we know (which isn't that much actually) - the more likely war becomes.

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Not a great movie - however, it is one of the better pay-check movies Willis has made lately.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I’ve been extremely generous rating this a 7, I’m questioning my judgement and sanity!

It’s ok to watch, good actors, but the script really let it down and so many awkward silences. I’d say the poor script is the film’s downfall.

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Lol he just needs to stop making movies. You know who I’m talking about!

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B-Movie quality at most.
Bruce Willies for years now doesn't deliver anything good.

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Shout by derrgoo

Another dud from Bruce Willis. He needs to retire.

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