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Contagion 2011

I had to re watch, it relates to the real world today and still a good film with a good cast. Apparently it’s the most watch film now :joy:

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Back in these days it was a science fiction movie.Now this movie is a worse version of coronovarius..I wish all the best to all people around the world whoever it's sick i pray for him to be healthy again.This movie is a must for these quarantine days 7.3/10

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I'm only here for covid-19.

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Only watched this thanks for COVID19

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March 2020. Didn’t we learn anything ?

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most urgent movie of 2020

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Who watched this after the coronavirus?

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I had high hopes for this one, but sadly it disapointed. It started out well but after a little while everything slowed down...considerably. Didn't work for me...

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Me in 2011: Wow that was scary, but I'm glad nothing like this would ever happen.

Now: Ah sh*t!

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It's march of 2020 and we all know why we're here.

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I’m watching this while in quarantine.

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How relevant has this movie has become now eh?? After watching it again now (first time on release date), man this is almost exactly what's going on out there!

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A coronavirus quarantine quality pick.

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When I watched this movie years ago it was a "meh." But now, seeing those little details came to reality, that's more than a movie. It's really a good analysis.

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Terrible storyline. No connection throughout nor resolve.

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In this day and age, a "must see" film. Considering this movie was made in 2011 it is remarkable similar to what is happening with the Corona virus outbreak (COVID-19) even showing it coming originating in China and coming from animals and transferred to humans. The movie is well made and very well acted with none of the actors on an ego trip. This should be re shown in cinemas to remind people how quickly these viruses can spread and the awful way some humans act to preserve their own lives.

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Prophetic and optimistic movie.
Very accurate on how the pandemic played out and how it affected society and social dynamics. Reality proven how selfishness and the denial of facts would be much more common and shockingly more damaging than pictured.

Very well made, I'd recommend.

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It is shocking to me how realistic this 2011 movie is. Now living in the ongoing 2019/2020/2021 pandemic makes this movie so much harder to review just on a cinematic level. The events depicted in this movie are so close to reality in some of the storylines it doesn't even seem real that this is now almost 10 years old.
I haven't seen this movie before 2021 but I know if I had seen this movie before living it I would have rated it much worse. Especially Jude Law's character would have seemed to me silly and over-the-top but in 2021 it seemed to me the most real of all of the characters.
How did this happen?
This movie makes me want to go back to 2011 where this seemed silly. But I can't. Watching this in 2021 makes me anxious which other dystopian fantasies might become real in the future.

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Shout by Céline
BlockedParent2019-06-14T22:46:05Z— updated 2020-08-01T22:31:51Z

Wow, this movie is amazing! :clap_tone3:
I was on the edge of my seat from start to finish but I also understand why Contagion is so underrated and considered boring by many viewers ... you can't appreciate how awesome (or should I say terrifying?) it is without a solid scientific background. I'm both a science nerd and a med student hence my extremely positive review and my intense experience; I know full well this is as close as it gets to a documentary if anything like this happened for real (again) which is actually possible. Even more so with all the anti-vax bullshit going on now! Anyways I loved the attention to details meshed with the realistic approach to the matter on all sides from the scientific one to the political, the sociocultural, and of course the eventual economical exploitation of the event.

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Even with such an awesome cast, the movie was no where as good.

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As a movie quite boring. It's more a fictional documentation... 5/10...

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This movie was a 6 in 2011 but a 10/10 now.

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One thing I had to laugh at was the daughter complaining about being in prison for 144 more days. Meanwhile, we've passed two years with covid, if only she knew how good she had it :D

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Weak plot, it looks like I just watched a fake documentary, not because of the format, but it was just a sequence of events leading nowhere.

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spoiler Also, an additional observation, I think like midway into the movie, there's a man inside the bus whom dr. mears called. She shouldn't have asked the man to get off the bus. They should've instead called authorities to stop the bus, and contained all of the passengers inside. It may cause panic to the passengers, but to lessen the spread of the virus, the whole bus should've been contained. Just sayin'

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Watching him in the period of Covid 19 has a certain effect but the film makes us think a lot. Great film cast and I must say that it has been confirmed as such. I advise

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it's basically a 5/10 movie but because of Covid it gets one more star..

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Just rewatched it pot corona.
Found it meh 10 years ago.
Frightingly spot on now that we lived through it ..

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I almost added to my based on true stories movie list.

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I wish I would have watched this before 2020. now while watching I can’t believe they don’t wear masks everywhere when it went public.

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I had already seen this 10 years ago but seeing it again was even better. I bump my rating from 8 to 10. seeing Dr. Sanjay Gupta blew my mind. And it has also its own Hydroxychloroquine. It's a criminal act to publicize a drug that doesn't work. This has truly become a classic now.

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Well, this literally happened. COVID-19, here it is from bats.

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Really boring. Another Hollywood disaster movie. Was told I must watch this prediction of the truth. What a joke. Nothing you couldn't find from available information about SARS years ago and with much left out and stupid stuff added.

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Perhaps a bit too overdramatized, but an entertaining movie nonetheless. The brain surgery part was unnecessary and gross.

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watched recently after coronavirus took place ....this movie is like future prediction of this virus... still world is not able to deal with coronavirus till now:grimacing:.... however the movie is great and the concept was good and it shows how one person negligence can destroy the whole world....a kind of butterfly effect

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Came to watch it due to the Coronavirus.

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After hearing all the positive feedback about this film for its accurate portrayal of an outbreak, I was quite curious to check it out. I'm also a fan of Matt Damon.

But it is incredibly boring and it was impossible to stick with it through the first half.

I like to believe that it's possible to make an accurate and entertaining film about a disease outbreak. However, this is not the one.

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This movie could have been so much better, such an amazing cast wasted... removing pointless storylines this movie could have been just about 40min long... I would recommend to better watch Outbreak

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Shout by Deleted

This film started out quite interesting. Then what accent was Jude Law trying to grasp? As a Brit I assume he can separate Cockney from a watered down Australian accent. The rest of the film was a sorry account of various zombie films and remakes. In America supermarkets were trashed but in China life still seemed to go on. Won't warch this again #ShiftvW8

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I found this film to be quite bland. Lack of character development made it hard to connect to or care about any of the characters. The film also lacked suspense. The trailer was a lot better. 6.5/10

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the ending it was bit wierd

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São Paulo is in wrong place in map.

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Great movie, scarier than most "horror" movies I've watched here recently (not that that's saying much). The fact remains that the human population is one mutated gene, bacteria, or parasite away from complete extermination. This movie tells how close we are to that truth, and does so with a great cast. Was it "a bit of a stretch"? Maybe back in 2011 when it was first released...but after 2019 and the advent of the COVID virus (which, frankly, I don't think is over with yet) the events portrayed in Contagion are frighteningly real and way too close to be comfortable. I've had a run of bad movies recently, but this was a real break; a good story, good acting, and very believable. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

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A beggar when Governments refer to a movie script for world health. Shame stupidity is no bar to holding office.

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had never watched this before COVID, very scary and chilling to watch knowing the situation we're in now.

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Jude Law always plays arseholes so well.

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F**K YOU Covid!
Oh God we have been through a lot and it is not done yet...

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A must-watch in this pandemic! 7.5/10

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Good for a one-time watch. The movie starts off pretty well by introducing us to different perspectives of people involved in the pandemic. Plenty of plotholes remained by the end of the movie like what happened to Alan Krumwiede or Dr Ornates to name a few... .The story had an ample amount of opportunities to maximize the impact in the climax but it failed to deliver.

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"Somewhere in the world, the wrong pig met up with the wrong bat."

I am surprised I have never seen this movie before, because it is really good. It does a good job at showing how the herd mentality can be, and how we are so bad at touching everything.

I’ll admit I only watched it because of what is happening with COVID-19 virus, and now I am alone on my couch trying to plan my trip down to the Amazon so I can isolate myself from society. Or I can stop sucking on my filthy fingers and give my hands a good wash!

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They always find a cure, I'm waiting for a movie that will show a less optimistic end. ;>

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Shout by Reiko LJ

It's almost comforting that Cov-19 mortality rate isn't as high as this but also eye opening to see how easily it all spreads. That's exactly what we're going through now.
Stay home and keep watching films. We'll all get through this together.

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a good movie to watch in the quarantine
#be alright
#stay at home

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OMG watching this with Covid-19 at large is so strange and creepy to see most of the plot happening in real life O.O

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I think I only liked the first third of the movie (maybe 30 mins in.) and then it just spiraled down afterwards. I liked seeing how the virus was spread and contracted, cause that's literally what's happening right now. I saw Jude Law as one of the crazy ass people on social media spewing out unfounded facts, kind of realistic nowadays with the fake news and all. I just loved watching this while the world is quarantined from the rona.

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Watching this movie with people wearing masks in public and social distancing and don't touch your face, it seems like a boring movie 80% of it we experiencing these days, but when you realize it was filmed in 2011 it's mind blowing, People the only way to fight this is by staying at home, be safe everyone

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Watching this movie with people wearing masks in public and social distancing and don't touch your face, it seems like a boring movie 80% of it we experiencing these days, but when you realize it was filmed in 2011 it's mind blowing, People the only way to fight this is by staying at home, be safe everyone

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Because of nowadays, it's more valuable film.

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The movie definitely started way better than it finished. But it described really good the hole process of the infection. I liked it

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Hey, I've seen this one!

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I had only seen the beginning years ago, I liked how it takes it, it transmits the anguish well, how easy it can be to get it. Actors help. Let's hope we don't get to that level

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Great movie really scary just this real life threat that is the coronavirus

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I’ll have to watch it again to confirm my suspicion, but this movie doesn’t end up flowing anywhere near as well as my recollection of Outbreak (1995)

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A fantastic movie about the spread of a global virus that manages to provide drama and show the seriousness of an epidemic and the lives of some of the major players without degenerating into sensationalism. Right now I'm finding that I want to see more of this but realizing that there is no other movie quite like it, everything else is forced drama and over the top.

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This film was ok. I think it started better than the way it ended. Too many characters to be invested in at the same time. I think it did a fine job depicting the horrors and fears associated with a global epidemic and the science seemed researched. I just wish there was more focus on less storylines.

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This is a 9yr old film and considering the advancements in the industry, it’s still a solid film.

I expected more of the typical disaster horror film, whereas it was actually probably a more realistic version of events should some like this happen.

It’s actually more factual, which in itself is a scary thought.

Great line up of cast.

Don’t expect anything like World War Z or I Am Legend etc or you will be disappointed. But, it’s still an enjoyable film.

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Had great potential with a great cast. But, to be honest, it was average.
The ending was lack lustre as well.

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Like an outline to a movie with all of the good bits only implied. This film needed a bigger budget and larger scope to be the film it was trying to be.

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Well made, but lacked a compelling storyline.

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Started out interesting. Then it slows down to the point I'm hoping the end will make up for the whole movie. But sadly failed.

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Very unique take on the viral outbreak subgenre.

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The ending was a let down.

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Shout by Deleted

Great sound track by Cliff Martinez as always (Drive & others). Decent story and acting and was relatively enjoyable but the ending just blew. If they had really spent time making the ending better, I would have really enjoyed this movie. Blah

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Shout by Jonathan Siegal

First time I've seen Jude, Matt, and Gwyneth together since the Talented Mr. Ripley.

The movie was very grim, not nearly as grim as The Road, but still a pretty disturbing view of what the world could most likely become.

The ending .....

... I thought was pretty unimaginative. They could have at least made a more clear message about the value of science by showing exactly what a denial of it would lead to, instead of placating a nervous audience with a palatable ending.

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This seems like a movie i would enjoy watching. Added to watchlist.

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