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Cold Blood 2019

The movie disturbed me because its the worst Jean Reno movie and production i had to watch...felt sorry..dont lose your time...

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Few characters, few settings, for a film that leaves you so cold for what it counts and how it tells it as the setting

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Its an obvious thing to say, I know, but this film really did leave me cold. Mostly inept and a waste of the talented Reno.

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I thought it was worth a watch despite everyone giving it a bad review, that or i'm running out of box sets and movies to watch lol

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Not a bad movie. Gets a little confusing in the middle. But, a stupid ending.

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With Cold Blood Legacy they took a bad idea and ruined it. A ridiculously thin script you'll see through from the outset, random French accents that pop up out of nowhere, and melodrama turned up so loud you won't be able to hear yourself laugh...

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