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Clockstoppers 2002

"Zak man your watch is OFF THE HOOK"

For a movie loaded with pop punk songs and a cheesy story, the vfx are actually not bad for what they were trying to do. I watched this on a plane almost 20 years ago and I remember thinking the soundtrack was so good.

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As someone without all the nostalgia for this one, it’s a decent early 2000s family film. It’s not something I could outwardly recommend because there are so many other movies in this genre that are “better”, but it’s an alright film. It is already showing it’s age and will likely feel entirely outdated sooner than later.

Rating: 1.5/5 - 6/10 - Not Recommended to Everyone

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This movie one of the characters says "with great power comes great responsibility" about two months before the Spider-Man movie said it. Obviously the saying is much older than that (Voltaire) but it's just interesting that these two movies had the same quote so close together in time.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie is so awesome. I mean, not the best/a good plot or acting, but it's fun to watch.

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