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Castle Freak 1996

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Castle Freak’:

  1. Didn’t hate it. Didn’t love it. This very much fell in the middle. But much more violent than I expected.

  2. The weakest part of this film was its score. With the right music, it could’ve been a whole lot better.

  3. One of the strengths here were the practical effects. Great job on the “freak.” Super creepy look and movement.

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Even though Castle Freak is actually a rather effective gothic horror film, I wish Stuart Gordon got a bit more money out of Charles Band to make it. There's a lot of story unexplored, and the characters suffer for it. The set designs, the design of the freak, and the setting as a whole is great, but there are stuff I'm sure Gordon could have improved upon if he had the money. We also get a totally unnecessary cat abuse scene (That I always skip, since I know it's there), which I, of course, hate.

As I said, Castle freak is an effective horror film, but every time I watch this, I also feel it could have been better...

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Whew. This was the last in the Flop House's Stuart Wellington Trilogy, and boy oh boy did I save the best for last. This was scarier than I expected, funnier than I expected, and better than I expected, quality wise. This was a proper film. Invisible Maniac and Head of the Family are your garden variety straight to video cheese fests but this was great. Its midnight but I gotta watch something else to get that outta my head. Scary stuff.

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The first two thirds of the movie are lots of fun. Somewhere around the bar scene it seems to get in its own way, but it stumbles into the finish line.

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