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Casino 1995

This film just shows you how Sam should have just shot Ginger since the beginning. Good film and a good ending.

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Based on a true story this film is awesome. Ace runs the casino and Nick handles the skim.... a gangster movie in Las Vegas. This movie is the rise and fall of Ace and Nick and Ginger played by Sharon Stone. Needless to say the performances by Robert Deniro, Joe Pesci and SharonStone are phenomenal. This is a sad story about a way of life that has severe consequences and death usually is the consequence. Highly entertaining but sad in the same breath. They don’t make many movies in this vain except for Scorsese and Tarantino so do yourself a favour and watch it.... immediately

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While not as good as Goodfellas this still is one of the best mobster movies. Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci are both great again. Sharon Stone gives a fantastically annoying performance. The story is interesting and does some things you don't expect. This is quite long but it never felt like it. I feel like I'm taking Martin Scorsese's for granted here. He knows how to make these movies work and work effortlessly.

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It's on par with Goodfellas imho, it just doesn't have the prestige. It's one of my favourite Scorseses. There's something interesting going on in all of His films, and I'll get to the bottom of it before I die.

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You probably need to be a massive fan of Scorsese and his style to like this movie. Personally, I found it beautiful to look at but ultimately totally boring. I was 80 minutes in and it felt like five hours.

Not ripping the movie, just not my style. Therefore a 100 % personal "meh".

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It started with a lot of narration explaining the context. Might be a bit tedious for the first few minutes but as the movie building up its tense I was getting used to it. This is a very long movie (3 hours) and there are lots of moments lumped into the movie, but it all tied up nicely, with some events unsuspectingly leading to another event.

I watched this after Wolf of Wall Street, and I feel a similar vibe (though obviously with many differences): a quest to power, wealth, stardom--and how the guy trying to maintain it ended up with losing everything. The last scene nailed it best, evoking how all his greed resulted in nothing and he has it enough with "that's that".

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Loved This Film is GREAT Only Thing That Stopped it from being a Ten Was The Pace.. Otherwise This is a Classic

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It’s pretty amazing how despite often working in the same genre Scorsese continuously finds ways to keep it fresh. It’s one of his longer films but flows effortlessly because of Thelma Schoonmaker’s editing. Combined with a script examining the hypercapitalism of Las Vegas and solid performances (which to be fair has everyone play the exact part that’s expected in a Scorsese film), this is another win.


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Acting: 3/3
Cinematography: 1/3
Story: 3/3

Enjoy: +1

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Casino wins some big early hands and then slowly bleeds all its chips until the end.
Story: 8...engaging true story about the mob's presence in Vegas, but waaaay too long
Script: 8...standard Scorsese, which never disappoints
Performances: 7...Pesci delivers the most nuanced performance. De Niro does what he does best. Stone is not believable for a second. And what the hell is Don Rickles doing pretending to be intimidating?
Misc.: 6...nothing remarkable good or bad
Influence: 6...might be one of Marty's least memorable, least quoted films
Overall: 7

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ok movie, typical De Niro gundai

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Mr. Scorsese, this 3 hour movie doesn't cut it. Acting is sublime, but wasn't as entertained as other longer lasting movies.

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Typical Martin Scorsese masterpiece and great acting from Pesci, and Sharon Stone

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I’ve seen too many mobster movies this year. I’m kind of numb when it comes to them. Still, I think it’s a good movie. I bit too long, but it looks amazing and flows nicely. There are just better ones out there in my opinion.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Martin Scorsese and Robert de Niro has given us many unforgettable film and Casino is one of them

Here's how my rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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Scorsese knows how to tell gangster stories. Adding to this the classics of the genre in the form of De Niro and Pesci, we have a ready hit.

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I wanted to like this movie, but honestly, Ginger is the most insufferable character, and she kinda ruined it for me. I had a very difficult time sitting through her screaming, which happens way too often. On top of that, she's the worst. Otherwise, it was an okay movie. I particularly enjoyed the gruesome conclusions of Nicky and his brother, that was 10/10 mafia sh*t.

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A twisted, thoroughly entertaining crime-drama, perfectly directed in typical Scorsese fashion, with beautiful cinematography.

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“Casino” represents the fullest expression of Scorsese’s gangster epics, his trademark style and identifiable tropes being taken to the extremes. Some might argue that it's a bit too much like “Goodfellas”, but it's an excellent film nevertheless.

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Classic, timeless...up there with Goodfellas.

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Casino is a brilliant cinematic masterpiece from writer/director Martin Scorsese. The story follows two childhood friends who are sent to Las Vegas by the mob to oversee their casino operations, but the glitz and glamour turn the once close friends into bitter rivals. With an all-start cast that includes Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Sharon Stone, and James Woods, the performances are excellent; especial De Niro and Pesci, who are in top form. And the writing does an impressive job at creating rich, interesting characters, and at explaining how the casino scram worked. Additionally, the set designs and costumes do an incredible job at showing the extravagance and decadency of ‘70s Las Vegas. Scorsese’s directing is also extraordinary; bringing life and vision to the film. A tragic tale of ambition gone awry, Casino is a compelling film that’s exceptionally well-crafted.

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I hate the style of Martin Scorsese (in a good way). Generally his films are long and he show you his characters naked, I mean his day to day, his secrets, and so on. After a long footage, one ends up fond of the characters, however, the plot comes so suddenly, accumulating problems. This generates a clash of emotions, because you know that some characters will gradually fall and the only thing one expects is for the end to assimilate the tragic (sometimes).

In short, unlike Quentin Tarantino, where the characters usually end up coming together and a massacre occurs, In these movies, deaths go one by one being more shocking.

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My favourite Scorcese film.

Perhaps not as flashy as Goodfellas but an absolutely epic ride. That it is based on real events is even more mind blowing!

Fabulous film with amazing performances by Sharon Stone, De Niro, Pesci and Woods. Love Don Rickles too!


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I can't say this is the best gangster movie ever but watching this i was thinking that movies like this one are done unfortunatelly..So if you haven't seen this yet you are lucky 7.9/10

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The movie has a pretty simple plot, but the actors, camera work and scenery make it interesting to watch. I'm really glad it had a happy ending for the good guy for once, too many crime dramas end differently.

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