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Cans Without Labels 2019

I could never do what the creators of this cartoon have the capability to do. Sure, I can draw cartoon characters (sort of), but this is about animation (supposedly).

There are likely many skills that I have that may exceed what John K. and crew did here, like changing light bulbs or scrubbing a toilet. That said, if I ever changed light bulbs or scrubbed a toilet as poorly as John K. performed his animation skills here, I would have been told to never change bulbs or clean toilets again. Maybe that's why this cartoon is as awful as it is.

Maybe John K.'s complete failure here was a take-the-money-and-run scheme (this was an actual Kickstarter that took over 6 years to complete). He may have enough money to never have to animate George Liquor again, and for that, I feel blessed. George Liquor sucks.

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