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Broken City 2013

Good but not great. Marky Mark has made loads of cash playing the same character in 39 movies (which is basically playing himself). A good time passer.

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With a cast this talented, this movie should have been a lot better. There are way too many plot holes, and it looks like a lot of scenes were cut, because we had no resolutions for multiple characters. Weak script and the cast did what they could with it, but I feel like this was a wasted opportunity.

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Poor ending and been done "a thousand times".

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Great cast keeps weak story going.

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Broken City suffers from a broken script, flat performances and a director incapable of elevating the weak material. Disappointing.

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"There are some wars you fight and some wars you walk away from. This isn't the fighting kind."

This is a mediocre political thriller that is elevated simply by having Wahlberg and Crowe in it. With them I bump up the rating slightly because they are good and commit to it.

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Too many secrets, lots of style but too many 'shock' moments

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I love Mark Wahlberg but this was dissapointing.

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Poor ending and obvious plot.

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Great Movie! Something different and fresh ending!

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