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Bowling for Columbine 2002

I remember we watched this in Film class about manipulation in documentary. And I think that exercise still holds up. I don't see why audiences defend this cheat, especially given Moore's recent releases like "Michael Moore in Trumpland." He's the living embodiment, yes, the physical definition of bias-ism in film. Every single one of his films are filled to the brim with one-sided arguments and strawman points, and that's why I think his movies are fascinating to examine. No, not for the content itself, but how Moore constructs his movies. I'm amazed people still pass this guy off as some kind of genius. He's a hack artist, but a good one, I'll admit. I could list off point by point examples in his movies, like the lie about healthcare in Canada, but it'd take too long. Just don't bother with his movies for anything other than film analysis.

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While some of the weaknesses of Moores shtick are present in this one too, they get in the way a lot less than in his later work, and he stays on topic most of the time.

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