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Bone Breaker 2020

What a load of bollocks!

So she literally RUNS with a compound fracture to her car. Then complains of the pain while recording herself on the phone after getting back to her car. No way would Ruby be able to move like that, you could clearly see the actress putting weight on her broken leg. Why not use the phone to call the police? Why not start the car and drive off using one foot? I've driven a manual car with a knacked ankle and I know it can be done, just awkward using the clutch to set off as you can't build up some revs. Loads of other niggling issues throughout. For instance at the end Ruby is walking fine when she shoots the arrow. I call Mythbusters on this one :joy: Utter shite.

It becomes an exercise in frustrated watching rather than even a half decent horror movie. Oh, and they are not even f***ING friends so they can't even get the synopsis for their own film correct. And they weren't mistakenly crossing into someone's property as it also suggests, they had access from the owner....

Woody's rating: woodland badger crap.

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The description is WRONG, quite misleading.

"2 toxic social media influencers invite a wannabe along to a shoot on a woodland trail and get more than they bargained for as the owner wants an unusual payment from them. "

The acting was more wooden than the forest they were in, the gore was pretty much the only positive in the whole movie.

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