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Bokeh 2017

i love movies that entertain, no matter the genre. this movie failed at doing that.

The premise was fine. The actress's character was shallow as was the acting. Script was meandering and disjointed. I found myself saying 'WTF' on more than a few occasions - including the stupid ending. I mean WTF - tell us something at least. I just sat through 100 minutes of it for goodness sake.
Anyways, a weak movie.

Matt O'Leary played his part well, I thought, despite the weak script.

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Essentially a long advertisement for Iceland.

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Very good Iceland advertisement.
Very bad movie.

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Interesting relationship drama set during the (probable) end of the world, but it does become wearying after a while.

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This is a very well shot movie and it is a thoughtful story. I’d even say it is a good movie but I didn’t like watching this movie.

I see the questions in this movie and I can’t identify with the girl and completely understand the man’s motives.

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the movie ask an interesting questuon? who are we? who am i? weird art movie about meaning of life.

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I like shows like this but this one really didn't deliver anything but a slow spiral into depression.

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Shout by Deleted

An interesting film, little slow in parts, with a foreboding silent aura like Day of the Triffids. Instead of a Rapture, if could have easily become yet another zombie flick but the script crafted a more enjoyable story, only the ending was unsatisfyingly abrupt.

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