Body Chemistry 2 harkens back to the era of late-night softcore porn on HBO, Showtime, and Cinemax - man, those were the days.
I say softcore porn, however the rightful category would be an erotic thriller. There is surprisingly a deep story going on here, trouble is it's never fully fleshed out; would it have been, this could have joined Fatal Attraction, and Basic Instinct.
For what this is, it is very well produced: the direction, acting, lighting, and music are all good enough that nothing stands out as terrible. Oddly enough, where the movie fails is in the realm of skin. One would think a movie titled Body Chemistry would go all in with the sex scenes, but there is only one, proper - sure, there is a choppy flashback, but it's only a second long - granted, it's pretty hot, but this looks like a Disney movie compared to Basic Instinct.
Overall, not bad, just needed more Lisa Pescia.

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