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Blue Is the Warmest Color 2013

The film is brilliant, however some sex scenes are just awkward.. heads up don't watch with the parents :)

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Honestly, I'm not really sure what the hype was about. The movie dragged, the prolonged sex scenes were unnecessary, and like in many other LGBT/queer films the story ends in calamity. It romanticizes the all-too-common gay/lesbian tragedy theme we see over and over in queer films without so much as a strong representation of the gay community. Also, I'm not a fan of the bi-erasure and misogyny portrayed in this film. The only reason my scoring isn't any lower is because Seydoux and Exarchopoulos' acting were exceptional.

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Movie full of passion, unpretentious and true until it hurts. A beautiful story about finding yourself in love. And beautifully, naturally shown sex. Sparks!

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First 20 minutes feel like 120, and the sex scenes are ludicrously porny. The love/life story though, it rings incredibly true. Worth watching for that, but the work feels tainted by a clearly pervy director.

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Adele: I miss you. I miss not touching each other. Not seeing each other, not breathing in each other. I want you. All the time. No one else.

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what the heck this movie is a masterpiece sadly the ending was kinda said though

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At half mast within 45 minutes from the start.

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The movie is beautiful, even if it's just a little far from the graphic novel. Anyway, I like both of them.

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I admit I bought the DVD to watch the lesbian sex scenes, which was the same motivation to buy "Carol" (which has a lot less sex scenes). But after a few more viewings I was enchanted by this love story & Lea Seydoux & Adele Exarchopoulos displayed an acting masterpiece. It's hard not to fall in love with Adele.

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Open heart surgery performed by an artist. Adèle Exarchopoulos is the bravest storm I've ever seen. A masterpiece.

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Shout by Deleted

What a great movie. Love it!

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I, I FOLLOW :pensive: I FOLLOW YOU :relieved: DEEP SEA BABY :weary: I FOLLOW YOU :sob:

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Adéle is so hot and theres a whole bunch of steamy scenes with her in this movie. Worth it.

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I wanna watch movies like this.

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Very long and slow. There was a lot of unnecessary stuff. The plot was fine but felt familiar.

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It's boring, really boring movie :|

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abdellatif macho lixo do carai

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Perfect. It is an universal story for the youth who spends chapter 1 and 2 in their lives.

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From the first few minutes, I knew this film would be beautiful. I can see why people are turned off by the thought of following a foreign language film with subtitles. It was difficult in the beginning. But I knew for sure it was beautiful. I didn't realise until about a third of the way through, the length of the running time. But it really didn't bother me as the pace was like watching a flower blossom. By the second act, I forgot I was watching this film in another language. The cinematography was out of this world and Adele Exarchopoulos was mesmerising.

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It aims to show you young love, without embellishment, glorification, or glossing over anything. It succeeds.

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It is just fine, not recomend to watch with parents or "closed mind" people.

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So many unnecessary scenes, might have worked a lot better if it was 1-1,5 hours shorter.

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i dont know why this is movie is so overrated, and so looooooooooooooong, rly, i love lesbians and stuff but this movie is not everything they say, i meaaaaaaaaan, they wont even be together at the end of the movie

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Takes you back to the time when you were very young wore your heart ob your sleeve and got heartbroken. Forget the explicit scenes that get talked about it is the very very life like this reality created through huge number of takes by the director and breathtaking performances by both actresses that will blow you away.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie is good, but it's overrated. The sex scenes sometimes are laughable and there's really no need for a 3 hour length.

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a very special movie, as sp1ti said this movie isn't about the gender in this, it's about what love can go thru during life. two kinds of people from different worlds fall in love and have to deal with this.
The first sex scene looks like bit fake for me, i just can't get the feeling between the girls, it's kinda a hilarious scene.

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Worth the wait, although I wish I hadn't seen so many short videos and scenes leaked before.
Dammit. And the acting WOW. Waiting to see Lea and Adele in more movies.

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Shout by sp1ti

While comicbook movies boom at the box office this one sees the first graphic novel adaptation winning the prestigé Palme d'Or.
Clocking at almost three hours this is a lenghty coming of age story coupled with the main girls discovery that she might like women too (but it really isn't about the gender in this). The french subtitle for this was "Chapter 1 and 2 and a possible end" which gives you an good idea of where the story goes. The movie lives from it's strong performances and is entertaining through out. I would lie if I told you that I never wondered where that "end" could be but it really isn't tedious.
I loved that in many scenes there was something going on in the background and cinematography was quite good aswell. Given that many scenes were more traditionally shot they could have gone for a Steadicam though.
If something caught me a bit off guard then it was the transition to the second chapter. It took my quite a while to be certain that there really was a skip (with the most obvious indicator being the hair not being blue anymore).
Now this wouldn't be a complete without the mention of the sex scenes in the movie. Those are really the thing the press loves to follow up on (just search for related news). They're explicit and let's just say that they scissor the shit out of the molds. I would agree that they might have gone a bit over the top as after a while of love making no audience will be able to prevent some giggles (for ours it was the constant ass patting I guess). Doesn't help that the author itself wasn't happy with them although they're not excatly the straight men variant either. But those are just a part of a long movie.
I felt like I'm overrating this the moment I clicked that eight but it is really solid for it's runtime - just don't expect a revelation.

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Shout by sp1ti

Let's see if I'm ready for a three hour lesbo epos..

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