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Best F(r)iends: Volume 1 2017

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Tommy is supposed to be a really weird person in this one not the "normal" banker Johnny and that is why he is so good in this movie !

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Weird. Tommy is a better actor than Greg in this movie.

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Holy shit does this get artsy at times. There's a lot going on here and though it isn't hard to make sense of it I still was asking myself "What did I just watch?"

Regardless, the cliffhanger literally but not really left me dying for more.

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At the screening I attended, this was billed as a work in progress, so it would feel churlish to give it a full-on review. Still, it’s an interesting concept, with writer/star Greg Sestero talking about his desire to find a role where Tommy Wiseau could actually excel. I don’t know if the film ever really gets there or overcomes Tommy’s inherent limitations, but played right, there’s a certain Lynchian unsettlingness to Wiseau, and while it’s not a high bar, the film uses that side of Wiseau’s particular energy to the best effect of any of his on-screen appearances.

There’s also some interesting cinematography and moody imagery and atmosphere. It’s a clear Hitchcock homage with damning secrets and shadowy figures and threats of murders and mysteries with a moral dilemma at the center. I hesitate to say too much more given the inchoate status of the film, but at worst, the movie is an interesting experiment, trying to build a legitimately good movie around Tommy Wiseau, even if it’s a little lumpy or logy in places. A worthwhile exercise, with the “Part 2” promised at the end of our screening seeming all the more bonkers and Lynchian in its presentation.

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I saw an unfinished screener of this film, which divulged a work in progress that I nevertheless think will not be far from the finished product. Sestero plays the lead as a vagrant man, whose past leads him to convince a mortician, as played by Wiseau, to give him employment. Even though the plot is unclear and thin, the references to the film "The Room" and Wiseau's wonderfully weird acting brings this film some kind of life, Sestero's uncharismatic portrayal and the loose direction, the poor screenplay and some strange casting choices makes for a somewhat entertaining and funny, but ultimately forgetful film. Sestero told me the follow-up will probably be made in 2018.

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