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Being John Malkovich 1999

A unique, bizzare and wierdly fascinating film, with a well-crafted, compelling and amusing plot, that keeps you engaged via to it's erratic nature.

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This film is absolutely unique! I've had heard a lot about this film but I actually didn't knew what to expect from it and I really liked the whole crazy, fun and perfectly weird concept of it.
John Malkovich was great playing himself as all of the rest of the cast, John Cusack, Catherine Keener and Cameron Diaz that I usually don't like very much, but she was quite good in this.
I loved Spike Jonze's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Where The Wild Things Are. Yesterday I saw the trailer of his new film "Her" and I fell in love of it right away! I can't wait to see it and I hope I don't get disappointed because he didn't disappointed me yet! Still need to see Adaptation too, it will be my next.
Being inside of John Malkovich head must be great!

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One of the craziest movie that I've already watched, the plot is very interesting and weird (over one mind-blowing per minute). It's good to see a clearly lesbian relationship in a movie of 1999.

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Malkovich? Malkovich. Malkovich! Malkovich! Malkovich! Malkovich! Malkovich! Malkovich! Malkovich!

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Being John Malkovich was brilliant. At times hilarious and surreal, serious and absurd, yet constantly clever and original, the movie never fails to surprise or entertain. The acting's great, the directing's suitably subtle but what shines most is the script. Charlie Kaufman is a genius and this is easily one of the most inventive and unique movies I've ever seen. Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich.

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Few movies are able to achieve this quirky, subtle tone that this film does. Kaufman is quickly becoming one of my favorite writers/directors as I watch more of his movies.

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But how can we be sure that the real John Malkovich playing the John Malkovich from Being John Malkovich was actually the real John Malkovich and not someone inside the brain of real John Malkovich pretending to be John Malkovich starring in Being John Malkovich?

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You don't know how lucky you are being a monkey. Because consciousness is a terrible curse. I think. I feel. I suffer. And all I ask in return is the opportunity to do my work. And they won't allow it... because I raise issues.

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Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich?!

The fuck did I just watch

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I found this to be very Malkovich.

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Spike Jonze and Charlie Kaufman together make a very weird, unique and interesting movie. Good acting all around, especially from John Malkovich. The story and just how absurd it is, is what makes the movie great.

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We’re on a bit on a Kaufman binge now and much like Eternal Sunshine, this sucks you in with an interesting premise then keeps you watching with a clever and witty script.

Worth your time if only because of the bizarre love triangle of John Cusack, Cameron Diaz and Catherine Keener via way of John Malkovich.

It’s hard to believe that Spike Jonze is a first-time feature director here, and Charlie Kaufman is a first-time screenwriter. Surely two of the greatest débuts in cinema history.

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I was a movie that I push watch another day. At the end i watch now. Super script. The film I saw Cameron Diaz acting for the first time in my life. Is there anyone watching a more beautiful puppet show? The hopelessness dance in the opening scene was very impressive. And same scene in the middle of the movie with real Malkovich!

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total crazy idea, but excelent.

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Stunning and Unique:

  • Fantastic Cast: Cusack, Diaz, Malkovich, Keener
  • The flow is perfect with new ideas and scenarios revealing themselves every now and then keeping the audience glued to their seats
  • The concept of the movie is quite unique and unmatched
  • Not going to spoil this but there are a couple of hilarious scenes and events that will unfold as your mind keeps questioning the endless possibilities
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Forget this hyped "new age psychology shit"!

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BJM, as most people would know (well, those who wiki'ed it), has a lot of themes that says a lot about the kind of society we live in. I won't discuss those because they've probably been discussed too many times.

What I really want to say is how bored I was in the movie.

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Very unique storyline. Worth a watch simply for that sake.

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John Molkovich is such a tragic character.

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To describe Being John Malkovich as bizarre is an understatement. As such, a first-time viewer may walk away a bit puzzled. But after the ideas settle, its charm takes the forefront. The film is simultaneously funny and sad, nonsensical and serious, silly and touching.

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I knew the two-sentence plot summary before I finally watched this. What I didn't expect was that it would be even stranger than I had anticipated! Nor quite how dark it would turn out to be, in more ways than one. I also love the fact that one of the roles is credited as "Girl Creeped Out by Malkovich".

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one the weirdest and wildest movies i ever seen ig? its so good its so dark and made me laugh-cry

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An interesting movie with a creative idea, it felt off at some moments and characters might have been done a bit unrealistic for the purpose of exaggerating the concept, but it was certainly unique and interesting. Though it wasn't mind boggling by no means, it's still a great movie and worth watching.

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Both a zany surreal comedy and a Kafkaesque nightmare, “Being John Malkovich” explores the artist’s need for self-actualization. In a society where everyone would pay to erase themselves and become someone else, the protagonist (a misunderstood artist) is the only one who actually needs a “vessel” (what a coincidence, an actor) to be himself and express his full potential. Spike Jonze’s direction feels a little pedestrian here, as if to contain the exuberance of Kaufman’s script and at the same time go along with the dreary tone of the characters’ lives.

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I assume this is one of these movies with two majories: you like it or you don't. And i don't like it.

It's a Potpourri of creative ideas with a totally confuse story and questionable character motivation. Besides the "Horatio Malkovich" there is not one completly likable character in this movie, even Lotte. Everyone is in one way or the other sinister and has selfish intentions.

I get why this movie is so popular. The Writer and Director risked something, but it did not work for me. It was all over the place and for me it's just a mess.

And about the ending: i was so sure, that everything is just Craigs dream, because Lotte had such mixed feelings (first baby, then wants to be a man, then wants to kill Maxime, then ends up with her.) But i was wrong.

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A man above the strings and a woman behind the man. What an absurd, ridiculous and strange delve into psychology and the need for things you want but can't have and the lengths people go.

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Alternating between quirky, drab, conceptual and surreal, this fantasy what-if doesn't even march to the beat of any drummer in the classical sense. John Cusack and Cameron Diaz are unrecognizably pedestrian as a mismatched husband and wife at the end of their rope, both after the same thing in spite of one another. Their marriage, and the factors that lead to its quick, sad disintegration, may be the traditional center of the story, but along the way the plot jolts in so many wildly different directions that it's actually rendered secondary.

Like a journey through the mind of a creative genius with serious ADD, it samples a dozen concepts strong enough to power their own film, then still finds a way to somehow marry them all into a single adventurous, mostly coherent, finale. Unclassifiable in the very best way, it's not something I could watch more than once every four or five years.

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This film is absolute hilarious! Great set of actors and funny story.

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Image 3.5 / 5 and 4/5 sound. Surprising and imaginative film that was better than I thought

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