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Being Frank 2019

Reasonably enjoyable, but to be frank with you, it could have been better. While the performances were good, there was an uncomfortable mix of comedy and drama here. Focussing on one genre might have served the film better.

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Honestly, this movie is no comedy at all. More like a drama with a few hints of comedy, but very few.

If u watch this movie expecting a comedy (my case), you'll be hugely disappointed. Now if u watch expecting a drama, here a full plate.

Since they advertise the movie as a comedy, I give a low score.

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It was a bit of a disappointment for an independent film. The story and the premise is good, very clever but it fall short on the delivery. Actually the first half is pretty boring and dull but the second half is a bit better. Do not expect any laughing moments not even a few chuckles. The way it delivers the story is not perfect and you get the feeling that this cannot be happening, the characters could not react in this way cause this is obviously wrong. It super simplify the things and gives very awkward moments of ethics. The ending is no good or satisfiable

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I enjoyed it, definitely worth watching

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