Now this has everything I want from a Batman movie! Love the animation style and the dark atmosphere.

Very much looking forward to part two.

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So, the police and Batman were trying to nail Falcone but they didn't think to look into the warehouse with his name on it? And all that cash money was just laying there unguarded?

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You know.. I'm old enough to remember the late Adam West, and his version of Batman as a kid. Over the years, I just never thought that Batman would turn away from this goofy comedic character, to something so dark that he's one step a way from becoming a horror horror franchise. I enjoyed it very much tho.. #Batman #ClassicComics #ComiCon

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"There's only room for ONE homicidial maniac in this town!"

I always enjoy DC Animated movies and Batman: The Long Halloween is good one. Never read the Long Halloween but so far I enjoy the story. The mystery surrounding the Holiday killer is interesting, the murders are brutal, love seeing the Joker, love seeing so many familiar faces and love the dark atmosphere.

I wonder what Part Two will take us and how this story will end.

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Looks cheap and is boring

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No one else is addressing this. It’s not like the Graphic Novel. Which is a disappointment

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I enjoyed this movie. I liked it more than a lot of the recent DC animated movies. I’m looking forward to the release of Part 2.

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Just saw this first part movie, and I really liked it. Good work!

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What is it with the new animation style? It makes the work look SO cheap. Like online shockwave 2000 cheap.

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An exceptional pick for an October movie night or a thrilling Halloween watch. This tale delves into the dark, eerie realms, offering a grim and suspenseful narrative. Witness a youthful Batman's inaugural foray into detective work, embarking on a gripping roller-coaster of thrills entangled with the Mob, iconic villains, and lesser-explored characters. A compelling choice for both devoted fans and newcomers, making it an unequivocal, must-watch recommendation.

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Solid work all around, especially the gorgeous art style. This version of Catwoman is easily one of the best.

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Nice build up. It doesn't feel that conclusive (as in it's a part 1 of 2), but I liked where it ended.

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I enjoy all DC animated, but some of them - such as this one - combines inconsistent character design and styling. This is a turn off.

The story kinda runs extra slow, but I'll take it.

As for Jensen Ackles's batman voice... I've always thought Jensen intentionally thickens his voice, so it never feels naturally batmannish. But kudos for him getting the role, it's a privilege I guess.

I'm not sure ..but the events also kinda seemed scattered and didn't make sense to me. But maybe I was more distracted by the inconsistency in character design.

Since I had to skip through parts of the movie... It means I did not enjoy it that much.

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