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Banshee Chapter 2013

This found footage movie starts with a cool premise about secret government experimentation on American citizens and somehow wastes it entirely on trying to startle the viewer with countless jump scares.

This shouldn't really be called a "found footage" movie either because it's impossible to decipher the camera's placement. Sometimes the main character is talking into it and there's also occasions when it's following her around in a low resolution, shaky cam fashion. And there are other times when it appears that the camera represents her personal point of view. It was aggravating.

But "Banshee Chapter" mostly wants to startle you. There are no lasting scares, only those of the jump scare variety. The entire movie exists to surprise you. To make you jump out of your seat and spill your popcorn, cat-leaping-out-of-the-closet style. "Banshee Chapter" exists for no reason other than to leap out at you and shout "BOO"!!!

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Let me just say onething.. I could make a better movie than this!!!!!

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Much better then I thought it would be. Scary part is elements of it are true.

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I love this movie. Ted Levine's character is one of the best in the genre, the acting is mostly good, and it's got the eerie atmosphere that I crave in horror. The ending is a bit flat, but the rest of the film makes up for it.

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It's a shame that this is fiction, being that there are many accounts of real experiments. But, eh, I watched it.

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Not great, but not horrible. It started off really strong, and made me jump a couple of times (which doesn't happen often), but then it tried to go in too many directions. It felt like it was trying to be funny and scary at the same time, and sometimes it was found footage and sometimes it wasn't. Ted Levine was a gift, though, as always. The hard right turn into Lovecraft territory felt unnecessary and out of place, and too many questions came from the last fifteen minutes. What was the thing in the tank? What was the thing wearing James? What did Blackburn having been one of those experimented on have to do with the rest of the plot, in the end? Also I hope we can all agree, numbers stations are some of the creepiest stuff that exists in real life.

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Just another bland horror. Could be a on a double disc with that Deborah Logan movie and it would feel like the same person made it. But this is worse. Flashing lights and music box sounds, loud glitchy noises, this is scary and creative if you're six. The plot feels like some YouTube conspiracy videos whacked together.

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Inconsistent plot, unbelievable that someone can make movie like this....childish.

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