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Bank of Dave 2023

Much better than it sounds
A heartwarming story loosed based on fact about a man who was worthy of a movie
The best performance I have seen from Joel Fry

Plus Def Leppard


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Dave Fishwick should be applauded for the support he has given to his local community but the film takes a few big liberties with the truth. It's typical feel good stuff and not as involving as it could have been.

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Knowing the on going story of “the bank of Dave” it’s a shame that this film took a lot of liberties with the storyline and went so heavy on the romantic side, the true story doesn’t need this.
All those involved in the story are true characters almost comedic at time, this should have been a more realistic film with a comical hint…..

With all this said I still gave it a 7/10 for being okay.

DAVE FISHWICK is a legend and a big the life character, which just doesn’t show through in this movie…….

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Very enjoyable movie that is based on a true story - except the bits they made up. If you're sick of all the CGI and shoot 'em up movies this is an nice break from that.


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