What a TRIP. I did not go into this with any expectations but it’s now super high on my favorite nic cage films. A lot of amazing casting choices and a wild story arc. I loved it.

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This is a very mild reboot of 'Bad Lieutenant' (1992).

They re-imagine some of the scenes from that movie and certain plot points are of similar nature but they ran amok with it to the point they fail to capture the essence of what that film was.

What came as a major surprise was Nic Cage never gets to the level of bonkers Harvey Keitel got to in 'Bad Lieutenant'.

As you'd have to assume watching that Keitel performance it was a great vehicle for Cage to go nuts however with the exception of perhaps a nursing home scene (you'll know the one) overall it barely lands when in comparison, although could well do with no prior knowledge of that material.

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I'd never heard of this until I spotted it on TubiTV; being a Nic Cage fan, I threw it into my watchlist and finally watched it this evening. It was surprisingly good, yet at the same time quite very unmemorable. Nicolas Cage was absolutely excellent in this playing the drug-addled coke-snorting cop. The rest of the cast was just "kinda there", so to speak; nothing really extraordinary from anyone other than Cage. Surprisingly bland performance from Eva Mendez, whom I normally enjoy seeing in her supporting roles. She didn't add much to this one, though. The one really odd twist was the conclusion...yet somehow, it seemed to fit. LOL With the entire Nicolas Cage character throughout this whole movie, that closing scene just somehow - as bizarre as it was - just "fit" everything beautifully. I actually laughed. I probably won't remember this one at all, but I did watch it, and it was decent…just not all that great. A word of caution: The profanity is pervasive in this one; if F-bombs and general profanity/obscenity gives you pause then you'll want to skip this one. For that reason alone, I wouldn't bother watching this one twice.

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There's some drug-induced paranoia, hallucinations, euphoria in this movie all of which Nicolas Cage does oh so well.
This is not a great movie, but it certainly is interesting enough and watchable. Cage's performance alone makes it worth watching.
A word of warning - Val Kilmer is barely on-screen.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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i don't get it. why are the ratings so bad? The movie is good. The style is crazy, but good...


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