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Await Further Instructions 2018

Nothing is subtle in this flick, and by the time the climax concludes you'll wonder how this thing went off the rails as bad as it did in the final third. The concept of the movie seemed interesting, but you're not really given any back story on why anything was happening, so the mystery element fails. The characters are caricatures with no nuance. The climax is just a mess, goofy as hell, and a laughable conclusion that you just don't care about. I'm sorry I wasted my time on this.

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It poses very interesting ideas but the development is becoming less and less interesting

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Honestly not a good movie. It was confusing, everything escalated too quickly and in a illogical fashion. I don't recommend watching it, unless you really want to waste your time.

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“Stay indoors and await further instructions!”
- The Telly
Interesting U.K. film. Not an Oscar worthy film by any means, but I am drawn to sci-fi so it was a decent watch.
:tv: :baby:

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Okay, so that's the instructional bit over, but wait for's not a great film. The acting is often subpar and the story is illogical. So, why should you watch it? Well, firstly because I told you, and secondly, you might actually enjoy it. Despite its flaws, there is a good concept here, and while it strains credibility, that isn't always a bad thing! The film is a mixed bag, but avoid it at your peril. And so I say again...



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I liked this a lot in parts, but it's several short-story ideas competing with each other for air time in a 90min film. Because of that, I can't give it better than 7, despite some parts being much better. Especially when you consider the budget.

What ends up happening when it's this cramped up in parts, is people almost immediately change their whole character. I get people are meant to be getting pushed to breaking point, but no sane person shows the immediate turnabout these do.

Is the point people will do anything an authority tells them, as in the Milgram experiments the family take their name from?
Is the point people will do anything for self preservation?

Well when you have both, it also kind of ends up being neither.

Then the ending has almost nothing to do with the first 85mins.

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Way too long. More a Black Mirror episode.

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I got some real Japanese tentacle-porn vibes a few times

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I liked it at the start because it had an interesting premise but the characters weren't well written at all and the message was heavy-handed.

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The concept is genius and exciting but the execution leaves to be desired. We follow one hell of a dysfunctional family of idiots making stupid choices and fighting each other in this tech horror set during Christmas. I just wish we followed another family that would of greatly improved the experience. I think it was going for the message that being stuck with your dysfunctional family is way worse and lethal than whatever unexplained horror phenomenon happening. The father character is really one of the worst: the embodiement of toxic masculinity, racism and cowardice. The only likable character is the son. A positive is that Covid made this so much more relevant (it was shot prior) the whole thing feels like a critic of it there's even a vaccine scene. The last 15 mins was a blast great visuals and quite horrific. Although the characters are insufferable and the family drama was meh, I was entertained the whole time and the mystery was engaging.

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Shout by Erebos

It was interesting and suspenseful up until they quarantined Annji. Nick should had gone inside with her.
It went downhill from there and the finale was completely bonkers.

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Like take out fast food delivered to your doorstep, this is simple, overcooked and cold in parts, but at least it's homemade.

It's a Twilight Zone episode that's too big for its britches and too small for its runtime, but it's well made horror and I like Twilight Zone so...

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
0 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
.5 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

4.5 / 10

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Just bad. None of the characters act like real humans. The story has an interesting premise, but it is executed terribly. Don't wast your time.

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Shout by esth3r_x

I was really happy when all of the characters died at the end.

that's how annoying everyone was, at least.

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This is the most annoying movie ever however, since I'm 53 minutes I'm, I'm committed til the end. Once again this is the most annoying and irritating movie ever! The young husband and the wife I want to literally punch in the face, throat, and stomach.

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Shout by Richard Murray

First two acts fine... Enemy revealed finally and it's.... television?

Or... Something. It's a mess.

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