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Arlington Road 1999

Great plot keeps you interest the whole time and nice plot twist.The truth is that they rarely make movies like this nowdays so i reccomend this for sure. 7.7/10

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Tim Robbins and Jeff Bridges address homegrown terrorism and the fiber of manipulation as a pair of wary, suspicious suburban neighbors. Robbins is terrific as the shady new guy who keeps his emotions close to the vest, pairing a wicked, piercing gaze with an ambiguous, noncommittal temperament. Bridges, the viewer's perspective and proposed voice of reason, is much less fascinating; a vanilla conspiracy theorist with a short fuse, it's tough to find sympathy for his obsessive investigations of the new acquaintance, even when they start bearing some fruit.

The film's musings on terrorism in a pre-9/11 America are interesting food for thought, particularly in that they seem to be challenging many of the knee-jerk reactions that eventually plague the union. Ultimately, a bold, memorable finale somewhat redeems the plot, which is quite predictable up to that point.

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This was almost as bad as Prisoners (2013). It's amazing how otherwise good actors agree to participate in monstrosities like this...

The writing suffers from the worst kinds of exploitative sentimentality, and it does so mostly in the cause of advocating suspicion, paranoia, and surveillance. The characters are all 1-dimensional. The cinematography and framing are poorly done, and rely mostly on having characters "pop up" out of nowhere for shocks. The acting is mediocre at best. The writing has a distorted view of human nature.

There's some inspiration from things like Rear Window, but it does Hitchcock's piece a disservice to mention it here.

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Slow to get going. Suspense enters eventually and the story was decent but a little far fetched and illogical. This movie would have benefitted from realism. I suppose it didn't matter because we got our twist ending and it showed that the movie cared more for getting that across than keeping things logical.

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i enjoy it very much. The plot and story is really good, it has enough twists to keep it interesting and good

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Perfect movie, twists and turns everywhere. Excellent performance by both Bridges and Robbins. Highly recommended!

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Spannender Film und das ende hat mir auch gefallen, kann man sich gerne ansehen :)

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