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Aquaticans 2021

In the near future, a son tries to get his parents to leave their beach front house because a huge (HUGE) tide is coming, but they don't want to. He finally stays and the whole house is submerged.

There's a good starting idea there. But then the whole house is under water, you can see jellyfishes swimming, and no water gets in. So if the houses are built/protected like this, there's actually no danger in staying.

We also don't see the tide rising, it's all happening in a sequence where he's dancing to techno music like he's under acid with blinking red lights. Weird (and bad) choice, that's kinda out of place with the rest.

After a while, not sure if he wants to escape or get crazy, he takes a mask and snorkel and opens a window. Weird again: we hear the water crashing in when he opens, but no water arrives in the room next door where the parents are. It ends there so can't say what happens next.

Good idea, too bad it doesn't really go anywhere. It could have stopped at the house is underwater and it's beautiful. The rest does not really fit.

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