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Apostle 2018

This movie was a happy surprise. Il est superb!

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An interesting gothic horror film which is more atmospheric in the first two acts but veers sharply (and successfully) into gore at the end.

Apostle is well written, if a little slow at the beginning, but Dan Steven's uneven performance (he over-does it quite a bit at the end) is distracting.

There's also an argument to be made that a subplot is 'the environment'. That man is trying to harness nature and feed her poison to feed their own greed, yet by doing so they're destroying themselves and their community.

In short, Apostle is nature horror that grows on you.

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Great acting from most of the crew but i think that the story its a bit messy with plot holes .

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Good setting. Good acting. Mediocre script. Shame

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He suffered so much but I freaking love the gore, the cult and all!! Hope there'll be another from Gareth Evans!

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A fascinating and thoroughly engaging film, with incredible direction, great performances, splendid cinematography and an unpredictable plot, even though there were some inconsistencies.

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Richardson reminds me at times of Ash in Evil Dead, if he'd stumbled into that island in Wicker Man. I wrote that before he lost his hand, too.

It's a bit uneven, but well enough done.

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It's a fusion of The Wicker Man (the original one, not the Cage one) and The Village. It's a bit too long, but it's good.
The only thing I didn't like was the ending, to be honest. Also the supernatural thing is not really explained I mean, there's this "goddess" of the island that controls nature but only if you feed her with blood. I thought this was a very important point to focus on, but it's just briefly explained through flashbacks... Also this deity can die, so I suppose it's not properly a goddess, but some sort of witch? Perhaps....

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It is a little too long and starts slow but it is interesting enough. Things get real weird in the third act, in a good way.

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The good atmosphere does not hide all the holes in the script that has no where to take

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Suspenseful, eerie and incredibly brutal in part with graphic violence, it made me uneasy and actually frightened. Many people seem to not like supernatural stories unless it's about ghosts, but I loved the supernatural elements in this one. Great movie.

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This folk horror is overlong, with a story that doesn't hold up to scrutiny. HOWEVER, that doesn't matter, as the expert direction and cinematic creativity on display here elevate the film to something approaching brilliance. It's not perfect, but as it's been a while since we've had a horror that has dared to lift itself out of the slasher pit the genre has fallen into, there is something to be celebrated here.

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It perfectly blend some of the best horror elements together like paranoia and anxiety, the plot was unpredictable which kept me hooked til the end, a good watch

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The sound design in this film in this film is absolutely gorgeous!!

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This is kind of a genius slow-burn horror movie with amazing camera work and cinematography, it's just too bad that it's let down with so much bloat and subplots that are haphazardly introduced and discarded, such as the protagonist earning the leader's loyalty only to lose it moments later, being a very capable fighter during the execution scene, the rituals the townsfolk perform and the fact that most of them are blind to what's really going on was never explored below the story's surface... a lot of this movie's revelations are basically "here it is, look at it, you will never see this again and never know why" which I'm fine with for the more supernatural elements but not literally every single situation, especially the ones based in reality. There are so many set-ups with no pay-offs and many pay-offs without set-ups that may as well have been edited out.

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Massive fan of most of Gareth Evans work so finally got around to seeing this one tonight. I don't get scared by movies often, and this didn't scare me but it is effectively creepy and unsettling throughout. Evans does a very good job at setting the scene and turning up the holy shit meter when he wants to. Unexpectedly great second half. I love the bonkers nature of it all. Great style points as well as the musical score. 7.7, maybe higher on a second watch.

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outrageous, heart wrenching, horifific, jaw dropping

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Another thoroughly enjoyable Netflix movie. I really enjoyed the general atmosphere of the movie as well as the horror and gore. The performances of Stevens & Sheen were 1st class. And the twists and turns in this gothic horror tale keep things interesting.

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Well that was a creepy dark gory religious horror that acted out great with an easy to follow tale and with a strong performance from all cast, specially from the lead (Dan Stevens) that has become a strong actor since I first watched him in another good film (The Guest) This film is definitely worth your time.

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