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Allied 2016

I must disagree with other commenters. The plot path was not predictable, the acting was very good, and the effects were just fine in most places. When I took my eyes off the main characters in long shots in order to imagine where and how they incorporated visual effects, I certainly could imagine which parts of the shot were vfx and composited, but one shouldn't be looking at the backgrounds anyway.
Some felt Brad Pitt's performance too much "Brad Pitt." I believe the explanation for that feeling was that his emotional restraint fitted his personality as a spy for the majority of the film; it did not fit the husband who would do anything for his bride. Yet, when a character changes due to circumstances, isn't it acting when a constrained character then expresses his true feelings more obviously?
Anyway, this was a very enjoyable film and very nicely done.

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Shout by Götterdämmerung
BlockedParent2022-09-26T22:13:14Z— updated 2022-09-30T17:27:01Z

It could have been such a good movie but ended up boring and forgettable. Brad Pitt plays Brad Pitt, period, no depth on that character. Weak script. Love story with no chemistry developing out of thin air.

Also the lesbian sister was such a weird addition??? Like, they're in the 1940s, no one would ever be so openly gay (less while working in the military) and with everyone surrounding them being all cool about it. They probably wanted points for being inclusive but didn't bother trying to make it feel realistic. It was so forced and out of place...

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This was not very good. I guessed all the major plot points 10 mins in advance and I'm bad at guessing things. Worst being the first and major plot point of the movie where there was no reason for anyone to guess it!

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Très beau film, captivant et prenant

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Shout by Koshell

Such a drawn out story. This entire movie could have been reduced by probably 45 minutes to an hour.. Could have been so much better.

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The script ruined it. Marion Cotillard is amazing, and Brad Pitt is ok.

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Shout by FinFan

Was expecting more of a wartime spy story and not a love stroy. And it wasn´t even a good one. For this to work you need to connect with the characters and it didn´t happen here for me. Alltogether too slow, no real highlights, and predictable at every point of the story.

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I don't know if it's because he's paired with one of the most powerful actresses in history or he had temporary amnesia and forgot how to act, but Brad's performance during the entire thing was so cringeworthy and ridiculous. I couldn't take him or the movie seriously.

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Shout by Deleted

I liked this more then I thought I would/should. Some good performances and an interesting concept. Recommended for sure.

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first of all its slow ,too slow at the beginning and they neglect the good things about the story like the child birth on the middle of an air raid and the concentrate on stupid things like brad walking and Pitt fucking . such a slow movie and they can't build the plot the right way. its a bad thing to watch a groupe of talented actors wasting their time.

If you want to watch it just skip the first hour

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Absolutely beautiful. I love it.
I wished it with all my heart a different ending.
That was a pure love. I just fell in love with them.

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It's worth watching for Marion Cotillard alone, i suggest you ignore everything else especially Brad's dull performance

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Disappointment by Zemeckis not his finest work. Very mediocre with a story that dragged out and a finish that left no one with surprise.

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Pacing is very slow, but the design is gorgeous so it’s manageable. Not a fan of Pitt’s acting - too brooding - , and his voice cadence seemed to change a bit throughout. That said, it’s a great backdrop for a story, it’s unique, it’s shot beautifully, and the last 30 minutes was especially tense/entertaining. 7/10

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At least à film where Marion Cotillard knows how to die!

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The storyline was great and maybe the script was also, just very poorly directed and acted. This movie was terribly acted except for the very last scenes. Brad Pitt just isn't really ihat good but he's way better than Marion Cotilliard. She's horrendous throughout the movie. No chemistry between the two actors is obvious. You never buy they are even remotely attracted to each other. I've seen high school plays with better talent exhibited. Can't believe Zemeckis produced and directed this garbage. Don't waste your time.

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A potentially tense WW2 spy drama that just isn't. The movie fails on just about every single level other than having two talented actors in the lead roles, one of whom performs while the other doesn't.

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Too melodramatic ending for my taste, but overall great romantic/spy thriller with amazing performances and cinematography.

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I was looking for a movie to make me feel good, this movie added more pain to my already broken heart...

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Allied is an intense World War II spy thriller starring Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard. While on a mission in Casablanca a Canadian pilot named Max Vatan falls in love with a French Resistance fighter, but after taking her back to England and marrying her Max’s superiors inform him that they suspect that his wife is a German spy and that he will have to kill her if it turns out to be true. The story is pretty ridiculous and is full of anachronisms; the most egregious of which is Max’s openly gay sister who’s also a military officer. However, the costumes and sets are remarkable well-done and give the film an authentic 1940s look. And Pitt and Cotillard do a good job at playing up the tension and suspense of their cat and mouse games. While its central mystery is quite compelling, Allied is a problematic film.

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This movie was amazing, it really made me feel when it ia ended...

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Paco Cinma 1: picture 4.5 / 5 and sound 4.5 / 5. The first part I liked more than the second, if it had been all as the first part would have been better, the end did not convince me much

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This movie was 20 mins too long and slow at the beginning. I could claim about a lot of things, however, I cannot. Brad Pitts performance only magnified how brilliant Marion Cotillard is in this film. The storyline is good enough for me to make an investment in the overarching points. I have not qualms with this movie at all. The ending is tough. Glad I watched this movie, bravo Marion!

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This film had a lot of potential, but the promising story is lost amidst a sappy script. A shame, as the actors are good, and there are some exciting set pieces to break up the romance. But the film falls short, and it is ultimately a disappointment.

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Shout by Agent24

Great story and superb performances. Also really beautiful cinematography. The ending broke my heart though.

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Very good story, outstanding performance by Marion and Brad. Kind of surprising ending. Loved it.

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Shout by Deleted

Guerra e romance quase sempre dão um bom filme e esse é mais um exemplo

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It's a great story, that sadly didn't live up to the expectations I set for it, especially with the cast and crew involved in it. It's done well enough, and is a decent movie, with some good performances and fantastic chemistry between the leads. It just isn't going down as one of the greats, which I was expecting.

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Marion Cotillard is incredible in this film, the real standout for me - along with the costume design. Didn't go into the film with any expectations and although a little too long I really enjoyed it for what it is. Definitely worth watching.

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Shout by Deleted

Great movie, essence, romántica action...

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I stumbled upon this movie by chance without any knowledge about it, I guess that takes part in the fact that I enjoyed it very much.
It's far from the best movie at any scale or standard but the acting and filming are superb and the story is good enough to squeeze a couple of tears.
If your looking for something fun and touching- watch it :)

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Stunning characters, but not a memorable film. It's okay but nothing special. The film spends quite a time to portray Max and Marianne's relationship (Pitt and Cotillard) but it doesn't give enough impact to the ending.

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Bas acting, corny, cringy with the worst plot ever.

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