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All Together Now 2020

Do not watch this movie if you are diabetic. If you are not, this might make you one! Seriously, this movie is TOO sweet. And so unbecoming of 2020, right? This year being what it is...
Anyways, this made me cry...a lot! Don't watch this expecting anything. This movie just spins a simple tale, and doesn't try to do anything else. It doesn't try to spin half-complete storylines for a sequel.
Yes, all those people like me who I know will shed some tears watching this movie, this takes the pain away, ain't I right?!!
Give it a watch, will you? And keep the tissues close.

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It had a lot of potential but seemed to fall flat somehow.

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Better than most of Netflix's films but I feel like the storyline had much more potential than what they did with it

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well, 90 minutes I'll never get back...

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Its not the greatest movie in the world, even within the genre it falls into. Still, it manages to touch the heart, and isn't as manipulative as it could have been.

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