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All Star Superman 2011

I think the problem with this movie is that it assumes you've read the comics before you watched this. I hadn't and so to me it felt like the story jumped all over the place and lacked coherence.

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Talk about a hot mess... Sheesh.

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"What do I have to do to keep your hands off my girl?"

I can appreciate that they did a comic book story on the big screen, just feels like cramming a few storylines into a short time didn't pan out that well. Lex Luthor is a badass though, and I wish that we can one day see a live action version of this Lex!

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Sometimes it is tough just watching those movies as they are. This felt more than a couple of episodes in the middle of a show. And I can't help but feel (I am not a reader) that every movie seems to be working from a slightly different backstory.

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Boring. Unfocused. Confusing. I really tried to like it, but I couldn't. Maybe for everyone who read the HQ this movie works a little better. For me, it was worth only the deepening on Superman.

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Shout by Deleted

Loved this. True to comic, shows great character depth, one for the fans, haters gonna hate.

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totally unfocused.

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A good animated film that does not necessarily do much to attract a larger audience. It almost feels like a quality side story of the grander scope of Superman.

Rating: 3/5 - 75% - Worth Watching

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Um terrível e confuso roteiro. Tudo jogado as pressas, sem ao menos ter um mínimo de coerência. Este filme foi um tremendo mal uso em relação a obra original.

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Shout by Deleted

the best comic adaptacion ever amazing movie

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