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Alien from L.A. 1988

Clueless Malibu girl gets dropped into an alien world. Continued cluelessness, "whoa... you mean..."'s, and part of the soundtrack every 5 minutes for some bizarre reason.

If Ireland wasnt pretty eye candy, this would really just be a complete waste of time. It's pretty close to one as it is, but some nice set and costume designs at least keep things interesting.

If you're looking for a way to waste 90mins of your life, look no further!

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For a lower budget film the production value is really great. Whether or not you find Kathy Ireland annoying will probably make or break the film for you. I didn't really, but I get why people do.

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probably one of Albert Pyun's better movies. has more of a 80's flair to it compared to most of his cyberpunk stuff, and a young Kathy Ireland helps out a lot.

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