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Adore 2013

My god this film really creeped me out. The most uncomfortable film I have ever watched

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This is good movie. The problem is that it would be better as a season of a TV show so they could drag it out more. The movie has to make it happen all so fast. The sons each get attracted to their moms' best friend, they start having relationships, then the consequences come.

If it were a tv show, they could have made the enjoyable part of the relationships last longer. They could have waited to get to the consequences until a later season. Maybe with all the streaming sites someone will do a reboot.

Yes, it's controversial topic, but other shows about sex on cable channels have been too.

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Interesting but quite unsettling subject matter. There is some particularly beautiful imagery scattered around, but the movie leaves you feeling as if it were all pointless. The movie could have been much better with better acting, writing, and more of a cohesive plot to begin with.

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Shout by MajorMercyFlush

The weak script is made worse by some truly terrible performances. Naomi Watts is truly awful in a great many scenes, particularly the beginning. The first 20 minutes of the film are painfully heavy handed and clumsy, while the last act is all over the place. In the latter half of the film passages of time are marked with the same mechanism, the arrival of babies/children, with little to no effort whatsoever at making anyone look like time has past. One practically comes out of nowhere that it takes a minute realise "oh, so 2 years must have past".

The only redeeming qualities are Robin Wright and the beautiful scenery of NSW, Australia.

I'm not even going to waste anymore time writing on this. It left me riled enough with its many shortcomings that I was exclaiming at the screen as the credits rolled. How this is from the same director as the well crafted Coco Avant Chanel ( is staggering.

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This shouldn’t have been so completely dull.

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un'ora e mezza della mia vita che nessuno mi ridarà indietro.

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