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Accidental Love 2015

Even 10 Jake Gyllenhaals would not be able to save this movie. It's so boring and I felt like it was 1000 hours long. I watched it only because of Jake, but like I said, he was not able to save this mess of a movie :(

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I can't really form any coherent thoughts about this movie other than "oh Jake, at least you're pretty."

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The movie is incoherent and pointless. Just like Alice's thoughts after that nail. I guess that makes some kind of sense. Still horrible scenario. Not even Jake Gyllenhaal could save this movie. Such a shame.

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I went into this movie 100% blind. It certainly comes from a different time politically. A pre-Trump time. Despite it being practically propaganda it's still very entertaining. A silly comedy with some really out there elements. Tracey Morgan is great, as is Gyllenhaal. weirdly enough his part reminds me of Night Crawler a little bit.

It's a good watch with strong political overtones.

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Cool parody and some nice social commentary, but it starts good and then goes downhill.

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Unbelievably stupid, Accidental Love is an absurd piece of political satire. Jessica Biel, Jake Gyllenhaal, James Marsden, and Catherine Keener star in this ridiculous tale of a woman who seeks out her congressman in order to pass an emergency health care bill after she is impaled in the head by a nail gun and lacks the insurance needed to get the nail removed. The politics are incredibly heavy handed and undercuts the comedy. And the performances are just awful. A crazy mess, Accidental Love is a poorly made film that’s over stuffed with lame characters and bad jokes.

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It was a very chaotic and weird movie but sort of entertaining. Jake Gyllenhaal was the reason I watched it and I wouldn't have watched it or enjoyed it as much without him in it.

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Lleva 2 estrellas porque sale Jake Gyllenhaal en la película que si no...

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Yeesh. I can see why O'Russel pulled his name off of this... what a mess.

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