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Accident Man 2018

This movie is overrated. 4/10

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This is a stinker of a movie. Could only stomach 8 minutes before switching it off. Bad acting, writing and directing. 0/10

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Really enjoyed this movie. Lots of action and some crazy assassins with some funny moments. Well worth a watch. :thumbsup_tone1: English crime at its best.

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Scott Adkins movies are always very enjoyable movies for a night shift! His movies don't have incredible difficult plots to keep up with during the night, he looks good kicking arse and his movies, at least for me, always feel like they are fast paced.

Which means that in between stuff we need to do, we catch up easy, are entertained and feel like there is always something happening. Almost all of my colleagues don't have the patience to sit through old, slow-paced movies or movies that have plots were you really have to pay attention to or else you can't follow it. So yeah Scott Adkins is a guy we usually turn towards to!

Accident Man is a fun film with it flaws but in the middle of a night shift, you can see past that.

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Painful to watch. Terrible movie.

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I like Scott Adkins as an actor, mostly his martial arts.
I honestly don't like many of his movies though, not counting the ones where he plays very minor roles.
Like most of the others, this one wasn't particularly good on the story side. Despite that, it was suprisingly good and I enjoyed it very much. I thought the fighting scenes were very well executed. There were some great sense of humor moments too, something that is not very common on his movies. All in all I had a lot of fun watching even though the story wasn't all that great and the plot was somewhat predicatable.

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A British John Wick. Really liked it. Was wondering since when Ben Affleck does martial arts, but it wasn't Affleck :D

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Not what I expected from.... well from the poster. I was expecting a team up but it's more of a one man vs his former friends. Nothing really interesting done with the story or the acting or the filming. It's very blase and even the uniques can't really lift it up.

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No, it's not a very good film, but the action is okay, so it might pass the time if you're in an undemanding mood.

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it was fun to watch this movie, but its a typical revenge action, i believe people will start getting board of this. action techniques used is a bot predictable and weak. no harm of watching knowing how it might end

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I liked this kind of English John Wick, the pub of murderers and the curious killers is fine, the fights well done. And of course they use the phrase, it's nothing personal, just business

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Direct to DVD feeling. The acting was mixed. Some was good some was cringe-inducing. But atrocious was by far the music. 80s with a drunk guy doing the music who was sad to be moved from porn to this. The story was like an oh moment. You explain for an hour and the reaction would have been oh... That is it.

And I am typing this while it is still playing and it becomes worse. Story and THAT music. And acting... ok, I wanted to give 4 but no... 2. The story and the effects and the dialogs in the last 5 minutes, I want to burn my TV to make Gods of whatever not vomit.

Do not watch, DVD as a freebie in a magazine? Rethink the magazines you buy, watch it an mow the lawn while it plays.

Ok, 1. Embarrassing really.

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