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Absentia 2011

Catching this before it leaves Shudder. A decent spine-chilling micro-budget horror with a story that's emotionally resonant and grounded in reality. It really shows how effective you can be with limited resources and lots of creativity. It takes concepts of trauma and tries to make sense of it, leaving you with a ton to think about. When it comes to the scares there's plenty of creepiness. The contemplative pace, melancholic music, and those tunnel shots successfully cast an otherworldly atmosphere throughout the film until the bleak conclusion. The cast is sympathetic as well as believable. This one definitely will stick with me for a while.

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Heartbreaking more than thrilling or scary.

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I watched this film without knowing it was actually directed by Mike Flanagan. When I saw his name in the beginning of the film, I immediately knew I was in for a treat! I was not wrong!

There is something special about the way he tries to scare people who watch his films. I can't tell you exactly what that is. All I know is that he is bloody good at it!

You could see the film had a limited budget but actually the fact that its budget was limited made the film even better. Its atmosphere was unique. The "jump scares" were not really a traditional jump scare but rather an amazing collection of moments where you wished you were so glued to the screen.

Would I watch it again? Definitely! Would I make my friends watch it? ASAP!

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It was decent. The movie starts pretty slow, and at times just seemed to be slow. But the later half was both interesting yet jumbled. I felt some scenes were just thrown in that I think could of been more explored. I just felt some parts were added in just to make the story seem more fluid but that was it, some things I think could of been more explained in better detail. For an indie film the acting was pretty good, the visual effects were good, and in general it was a decent film, could of been better, but it could of been worse.

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Not as good as occulus, but really close. The movie is very slow, but it is so well made that the intensity never really lets go. You always keep wondering what is going to happen next.

The story does have some logic flaws, but because of how interesting everything is, it doesn't really get distracting.

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La enésima demostración de que para hacer una buena película de terror (o de lo que sea) no hace falta presupuesto salvajes mi efectos especiales bombásticos sino una buena idea y sobre todo una puesta en escena ajustada e imaginativa. Y es que se puede decir más con menos, y dar mucho mucho miedo enseñando lo mínimo y sugiriendo el resto.

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I really enjoyed this movie, but I’m also a huge fan of Mike Flanagan. Even if you don’t know who he is, this is definitely a movie worth watching.

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Giving it a shot via Netfux Streaming for my 31 Days Of Horror. I've heard mixed things, but I loved OCULUS, so fingers crossed.

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