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Above the Shadows 2019

This film should have stayed in the shadows. It's a boring tale that strains for significance, but in my opinion, falls a long way short.

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I watched this after Reacher and I cannot warn you enough to stay away. Ritchson’s character is incredibly dumb and asks the most obtuse questions. To be fair, a lot of MMA fighters I’ve personally known do seem a bit addled due to all the head injuries. Overall, the dialogue feels forced and serves little purpose to progress the plot. The main characters Holly and Shayne (also what is that spelling?) have zero chemistry and Olivia Thirlby’s acting is awful. I think my favorite part is the way Tito Ortiz plays himself, especially with his apartment being plastered with pictures of himself.

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How to waste a cool superpower? Act like a protagonist of a shitty wattpad story

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