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About Time 2013

What a touching and endearing movie.

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Loved it. A truly beautiful movie.

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I was blown away by this movie... It had me smiling like a little kid at times, tears streaming down my face at others... the part where he realised he could never go back and see his dad every again had me bawling like a kid as it struck a chord with me for very personal reasons.

I hadn't even heard of it, read the blurb and took a chance as I like McAdams and Nighy but had never heard of the main character before.

It's hard to put into words how wonderful this film is, the first time you watch it is like a breath of fresh air, that first smell/taste of the sea as you near the coast after a long trip. It's a powerful love story with a sci-fi twist that is just accepted as fact, so much that the whole time travel element of it is glossed over as something that simply happens... it's sci-fi only in the fact that time travel is part of the story... This is a love story through and through and I found it utterly endearing.

However... what makes it so wonderful is also it's achilles heel. For me at least, it's repeat viewing value is extremely limited. You will never get that joyful feeling when watching it for the second time, in the same way that watching the Sixth Sense, or Seven Pounds...once it's over the entire meaning of the movie once known and seen cannot be recreated.

That it's it's greatest achievement and failure at the same time... and I for one am saddened by that. A movie that gave me such pleasure and pain and left me feeling good in the end... can never do that again.

It's that one thing that stops me giving this movie a perfect 10.

Why are you still reading this... go and watch it now.

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I have seen it 3 times, and the 3 times made me cry

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I never like slow movies with romantic genres but this movie just filled my heart with the happiness.

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I was immediately captured and the cast is so brilliant. I am still under the influence of this movie. It is about life, in the most raw way. How life should be lived, and how we should see the world, as it is.

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this movie is really remarkable,made me appreciate life and happiness, i got doubts at first especially Rachel with UK guy and basically the whole film but it was a nice one i really enjoyed it :)

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Really good movie and original scenario.

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Pretty decent film but damn was it inconsistent with its own gimmick's limitations and conditions. At times, quite a mediocre script and acting become noticeable too but by far the most annoying parts were the unbelievable reactions and decisions of the characters. Could have done a lot more with its premise.

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if i could go back in time id not tell anyone about the rat poison the rat man put in my loft which inevitably led to rat poison in the water and my subsequent death and resurrection at an abandoned graveyard after my cowboy friend sacrificed the rat in my livingroom

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(Just a decade behind on this one.) An excellent and charming time travel story that focuses much more on the character relationships and emotional consequences rather than the technicalities and intricacies of time travel. The time travel does play into some laughs and a huge emotional wallop, but the plot is much more akin to a rom-com about the human connections that we so desperately need.

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Thought it would be a normal generic movie with unusually stupid perk point but god I was so wrong. It's a splendid movie, such a beautifully created work, very overwhelming.

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If you were to look up “Wholesome Movie” up in the dictionary, the dictionary would play you this movie.

Incredibly down to earth, and although completely unrealistic, it’s surprisingly relatable.

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Incredible soundtrack that supports a quirky addition to the romcom genre

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This is not a science-fiction - time travel only serves as a vehicle to learn about life, about love, about family and what is really important. A good test that shows if you really have a heart. A truly wonderful gem of a movie to make you feel good in this depressed world.

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This an absolutely delightful film that will leave you feeling warm, fuzzy, and grateful for life's little moments. With charming performances by Domhnall Gleeson and Rachel McAdams, a beautiful soundtrack, and a heartwarming story that explores the complexities of love and family, this movie is a rare gem that will make you laugh, cry, and appreciate the beauty of everyday life.

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Not a ture romance movie, more of a coming of age film. This film follows a young man who uses his magic time traveling abilities (passed down by the males in his family) to find the love of his life and then cherish the wonderful moments and people in his life. The is a beautiful story about the value of the little and even big moments in ones life and that any little event can alter the path of one's life. It is funny, sad, and just happy to a point where it puts a huge smile on the viewers face. A good length film as the plot points don't get jumbled.

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The Best Movie romanitc ever :hearts:.

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Phenomenal movie... it's rare I find a movie that I just didn't want to end and this is one of the few.

It's funny, a tearjerker, uplifting and entertaining - all in one movie.


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Great!!! One of my fav

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I think it was a very good movie, with a story that made me think. Much enjoyable.

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kit kat was the real main character

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Shout by Maiden Aveline
BlockedParent2021-03-19T09:58:03Z— updated 2021-05-11T19:05:08Z

I tried watching it, turned it off about 20 mins in due to The cringe factor was astromnomical. Seriously just how painfully cringe worthy the whole thing was.

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Beautiful movie. One of my fav movies of all time!

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Such an incredibly sweet movie.

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2.5 points -> Cinematography (0-3)
1.6 points -> Acting and Characters (0-2)
2.6 points -> Plot (0-3)
0.8 points -> Score (0-1)

1.0 -> enjoyed the movie. (0-1)

Aka. 8.5 points

One of my favorite movies.

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I've learned a lot watching this movie, I love everything about it.

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It's so sweet. Lovely picture. Conclusion: just live the life you want to live, make every moment beautiful. I'll rewatch it from time to time.

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A masterpiece!
Heart touching!

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What an incredibly touching movie. A great cast, terrific soundtrack and a lovely heartwarming message. simply endearing.

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A beautiful movie. A must watch for rom-com lovers...

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Superb film, really enjoyed it. Great plot that I wasn't expecting at all.

Really makes you think about life!

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This movie is simple perfect. The first time I watched it was out of curiosity thinking it to be another romcom. But the ending took me by surprise. Never thought a romcom would have a message. Now it's my go to feel good film. It just warms your heart every single time.

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A perfect movie. (I've said that twice this past week as I've revisited some of my favourites films.) This is more than a love story about blossoming love (Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams), there are a wide variety of love stories in this, not the least of which is that of a father and his son (Bill Nighy and Domhnall). Lovely supporting cast. Great performances. Beautiful and textured writing. Exceptional music. Life affirming moments and profound words side by side with the humour of life. I've watched this many times (and even, accidently, bought two digital copies). I give this film a 10 (perfect) out of 10. [Unconventional Drama about Love]. As a matter of fact, I think I'll watch it again, right now.

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Just a beautiful story and a lovely film. It's a rom-com, sure, but it also makes you appreciate all of your loved ones - a very special film.

It also introduced me to the quite fantastic song "Il Mondo" by Jimmy Fontana. I'll forever be grateful.

It is a little heavy-handed in a couple of spots so I cannot say it is perfect. But it's pretty damned close.


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It's a nice movie. A little heavy handed at times but still means well. It would be a tough decision between Margot Robbie and Rachel McAdams. Either way Domhnall Gleeson would be a lucky guy.

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One of the most Simple yet Beautiful Sci-fi movie.
most of the time you will just smile.
there are few Books and movies that you wanna be a part of,
this is one of them.
gives you a Teary eye and a few messages.

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Almost didn't finish because it didn't capture my attention at first, but very glad I did. Rest assured the entire film doesn't focus on his relationship with Rachel McAdams like another time-traveling movie. Lots of moments with sweet humor between multiple characters in the story. Definitely worth watching if you have two hours to spend.

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Shout by Deleted

My new favorite movie. Loved it!

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Shout by Deleted

Could've been worse, but also way better.

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AWESOME. Definitely one of my favorite movies. Since I watched the trailer for this I have been wanting to watch it. Now I finally gave it go, and I must say that, even when I had very high expectations, the movie amazed me. 10/10 Bravo!

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One of the best Romance movies I have ever seen, it's not about couples love, but it's about to love your life .. I'm sure I'll watch it again, and again. It gives you an overdose of happiness .

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Shout by Deleted

In the words of Bernard Black:
"You'll laugh, you'll cry. It will change your life"

... Well maybe not change you're life but I sure love and got myself the soundtrack as soon as I got back from the cinema.

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Just brilliant. One of those films that can, potentially, change your life.

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Amazing! I think I can define it as the best movie I watched on last years. Happy and sad parts are well balanced, the ending is really touching, the main concept is absolutely what I've always wanted to do.
This movie's deep point touches your heart, and makes you want to live your life fully, and not wasting even a single moment...and all of it is simply expressed in a movie which is not even a little heavy.
I'm really really satisfied, I recommend it to everyone!

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Shout by Deleted

This movie is amazing.

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Shout by Dirk

It was an okay film. I expected more and when I figured out it has no plot at all I was a little let down. But the sentimental in me has a weakness for this genre and therefore it was quite enjoyable.

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This movies makes me think and reflect a lot.

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Finally watched this and I have to say the first thing I said to myself when I was done was that it was a waste of my time. Not with bad intent or because I think it was a bad movie but years ago whenever I heard about this movie I was told that it would make me CRY (at least as much as I did watching Me Before You). At about the 75% mark I was like ‘okay maybe the thing that’ll make me cry would be at the end’ but alas, it wasn’t. I miss the version of myself that would have gotten more of the story (and had a good cry at the end); maybe I will watch it again one day and get the message that was being sent (without being told by someone else), who knows?

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This is not my usual type of movie but I do enjoy a good time travel story so i started it for curiosity more than anything. But that's not the point of it at all, underneath the premise (which isn't explained and doesn't really matter) is an absolutely charming movie and the most enjoyable I have seen in a long time and I challenge anyone to not feel better for watching it.
Highly recommended.

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A sweet and heartfelt movie about living life to the fullest

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Absolutely beautiful movie with stellar performances!

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We liked what he tells and how he tells it, great actors.

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I will rate this movie We can only move forward/10

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My favorite movie of all time. An absolute masterpiece

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The idea of being able to travel back in time has been used quite often in movies, but I believe this movie does something very unique with it. The use of time travel in this movie is played very loosely as that is not important in regards to the message this movie is trying to convey. This allows the movie to instead show why time is so important in life. Even if you were able to travel back in time, nothing is as special as experiencing something for the first time, and we should be thankful for the time we are given.

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rachel mcadams is definitely the romcom queen(those mid aughts heavy bangs and her cozy ass grandma outfits tho:sob:)and sold the elusive, warm, interesting love interest but the lead guy, ugh. so much creepier than i remembered?

maybe it’s because every other time ive watched this ive been more focused on time travel and not how invasive it is. became damn that was meddlesome. also the lead was so condescending but wasn’t half as charming as he thought he was like he definitely shouldn’t have gotten away with any of his shit.

but that’s the point of time travel i guess lol


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WOW. That is a great romantic film, it just perfectly had all the essentials of a romantic film, the actors did a good job, I felt a connection with the majority of the characters except for the sister, the story was an emotional rollercoaster, even with the fact that our hero have kind of a superpower it felt so real, and that just shows how good the story was written. Overall, it's one of my favourite romantic films ever.

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Amazing movie with at powerful message.

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One of the best romance movies I have ever seen. Highly recommended!

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LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! No matter how many times I re-watch this masterpiece, it always brings tears to my eyes.. :heart_eyes:

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Feels like this has a much higher rating than it really deserves. Much more of a romcom than anything else. It was cute and done well, that's about that though.

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Well, how do I put this. In the words of Dean Winchester, this movie was so vanilla that it made vanilla seem spicy. I kept waiting for something interesting to happen that can't be fixed and would make us actually care about the characters and the movie, but nope, never happened. On the same happy and boring tone the entire time. I've seen commercials more interesting than this.

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First half was quite weak, especially the love interest was too unbelievable at first.
The second half was really good though.

Movie is definitely a great one to watch with a partner.

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I guess this film should come with a trigger warning for everyone who lost their loved one to cancer, my Dad passed away over a year ago, but the pain is still there, I was just looking for something funny to watch to practise my English and lift up my spirits, and I picked up this film because of the time travelling since I am "Doctor Who" fan and because it featured on my favourite vlog. The pleasant evening ended in tears, however. Maybe if I had known that the main protagonist's dad dies of cancer, I would not have watched it. It feels a bit like experiencing one's own grief all over again.

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8/10 nice script and good fantasy!

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Always hunting for romantic comedies to watch with my wife and which not bore me to death - this is a good one with great actors!

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"Live the moment" 'cause there is no repeating in our life... ;>

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A slow but touching movie. Not much Sience Fiction, but more about relationships and how a time travel can change this.

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Shout by Deleted

A lovely movie, emotional. loved it!

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Shout by Deleted

What an amazing movie! I Really enjoyed a lot this movie...

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Shout by Deleted

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Curtis could probably rightly be criticised for playing on the same character tropes in nearly all his films since Four Weddings, but it is hard to find fault when the writing and performances are this good. The time travel element is the unique selling point, but far from being a MacGuffin that drives the plot forward and brings obstacles into the relationship, instead Curtis eschews this typical approach of films of this ilk and uses it elicit heartfelt emotional moments and develop the film beyond the typical romantic comedy it initially threatens to be. It is the relationship between father and son that is equally as important as that between the two romantic leads, and while both MacAdams and Gleeson are great together, Bill Nighy is fantastic and his scenes with Gleeson elevate the film to something much more worthwhile. Funny and genuinely touching.

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It was nice but somehow it got a little distracted, too sentimental at the end. I'm a sucker for these but it was somehow too much.

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Shout by Deleted

A lovely film, not my typical genre but its a sweet little film.

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Definitely a slower starting movie but the slower start gives it the momentum and character developments that take place towards the end. Must confess even made me get a bit teary towards the end and that is something that does not happen often.

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Shout by Deleted

فلم جميل جداً وممتع أعجبني وسأشاهدة مره ثانيه .

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Shout by Deleted

Love letter to life. Nothing special, but film is warm, cosy, charming and was made with taste. Plus for Bill Nighy!

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A movie you can fall in love with.

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Never saw Rachel McAdams so beautiful like in this movie

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Interesting that though the time period of events in the movie isn't specified, it can always be traced by the songs which are currently playing.

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Lofts of errors in the movie. The time travel is not Well thought through.

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Shout by Deleted

Best movie ever.

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ahh, absolutely loved it! .. beautiful emotional film and some (subtle) funny parts :) .. I read ghoofy's review and agree on some points, but that still doesn't make me like the film less than I do now :) ... it's a must-watch! (especially for women ofc, it's the perfect feel good movie :) )

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I do think the movie was a little on the long side, but all-in-all, a beautiful love story... Between Husband and Wife, father and son, friendship and family. I really enjoyed it

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Shout by Deleted

I wasn't totally sure if I wanted to see this, I've read a few bad reviews about it but actually it was worth it.
I thought About Time was just another romantic comedy but afterall turns out to be more than that. It's a story about love for sure, but most of all the love of a father for his son.

This time-traveling thing might not be the most logical one (okay it definitely isn't) but this was actually a very sweet film! It was funny, clever and I was very surprised by it's depth. Love and family are the main subjects of this film, so forget about the un-logical part of it and you'll certainly will enjoy it!

The performances are good and it has a very cool soundtrack.

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I'd go back to watch it again.

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Amazing movie. Time traveling , romantic scenes . Very good movie.

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Shout by Deleted

time traveling; romantic comedy;Rachel... it was doomed to be a "guilty pleasure" for me :D

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Apparently everybody in the UK is now Hugh Grant from 4 Weddings and a Funeral. This movie was should have been trimmed by at least 30 minutes, then it may have been bearable. 123 minutes for so little substance was interminable.

To be fair, I may not have been the target audience for this movie.

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So perfect. I was a dehydrated mummy by the end.

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Almost cried because of wonderful Bill Nighy's performance.

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