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Abominable 2019

Stupid emotional Dreamworks movies always making me cry! Goddammit!

The animation was so, so beautiful. Visually, it's a gorgeous movie. I especially loved the koi clouds.

The story will absolutely tug at your heartstrings. All the pictures added during the end credits were such a nice touch, and the final scene of Yi at the statue with her mom and grandma? I was teary eyed all over again. It's such a sweet story. Overcoming the grief of loss by helping someone else reunite with their loved ones. I loved it!

But, of course, it had plenty of light, funny moments too. It had me alternating between smiling and crying, sometimes doing both simultaneously.

And to round out everything, "Fix You" by Coldplay. Totally unexpected, but greatly appreciated. I love that song, and it was just perfect for this movie. Also loved the whooping snakes, found them hilarious.

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Abominable is a beautifully animated film and has a fairly engaging story; credit goes to writer/director Jill Culton for writing such a strong and likeable female lead. However, the titular yeti – nicknamed Everest – is a sadly bland and largely forgettable character so its relationship with Yi has none of the fun and adventure of the rapport between Hiccup and Toothless in the far superior How to Train Your Dragon films or even between Shrek and Donkey in Dreamworks' most successful animated series. Everest also functions as a deus ex machina when things appear hopeless so the character aspect which should make him fascinating highlights weaknesses in the narrative.

I enjoyed some of the sequences there were a few emotionally satisfying moments, but overall it felt a bit perfunctory and without the character depth and emotional impact of the best computer animated films of recent years.

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Abominable is a cute, safe playing animation. It has a good message and themes but keeps it at surface level. The animation is fluffy but there are a few beautiful visuals. The adventure is exciting without getting too harrowing and the characters are likeable enough with one or two being a tad grating. Definitely geared towards kids, but there is a bit adults can get out of it as well.

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It would have been such an amazing movie to watch if i was 8, unfortunately I'm 19 so it's a piece of shit.

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In short it was everything Smallfoot was severely lacking it had heart, was solidly entertaining, and no James Corden in sight. This revitalized me whereas SF jaded me. They're truly the yin and yang of animated Yeti films. I cherish this one as much as I HATE that one

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I fee like after they bought the rights to use "fix you" by Coldplay they couldn't afford any other songs and just decided to use different part of that song through the movie.

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The animation is great and its enjoyable to watch. The plotting is sometimes quite silly though, and Eddie Izzard's voice didn't match his character. Still one of the better films in the recent batch of Yeti animations, however.

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Beautiful fantasy eye candy nonsense. Nothing too deep here, and doesn’t bother to set any rules for its story to play by. Things happen for no other reason than they move things towards a heartstring-pulling ending, and the closest thing to a message or lesson here is “When things get really tough, don’t give up.”

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This was really excellent for like 25 minutes and then it just turned into a worse version of Up

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Amazing! What a beautiful masterpiece <3. DreamWorks never fails to impress.

I absolutely loved the beautiful CGI. Clouds, warm colors, beautiful particle effects and lights. IMO DreamWorks is simply by far the best studio in this regard.

And the story was also so touching. It was fun, heartbreaking, touching, and lovely.

Superb CGI, great animation, good story and good music.

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Yet another fine heart-string-tugging movie from Dreamworks. It's fun and cute and heartwarming as most Dreamworks animated movies are.

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those dash lines tho (like if you know what I'm talking about) :wink:

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A fantasy animation. A dream. A dream full of magic. Where you want to be there forever and away from the turmoil of the earth and time in the depths of it.

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Abominable is a kid's movie made so much in China that you can smell the plastic in the story, the animation and the Mount Everest of WTFs. The youngest ones, however, will like the shiny plastic look and feel. The adults may want to watch Smallfoot again instead.

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It looks pretty but is pretty bland besides that. Nothing really for adults but I'm sure kids will like it fine.

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