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Abigail 2019

The movie wasn't inherently bad. GCI was great, I love Steampunk in generel, so the visuals were really good. But that's about the only positive thing I can say about the movie.
The plot was confusing, I felt there were huge chunks missing. At first I thought this might have been based on a book and they just did a poor adaption but it's not and it was just poorly written.

So Abby just got to know she knows magic, and.. just accepts it? Wants to learn how to handle her powers? She wasn't surprised at that revelation in her life?

The acting and directing was mostly subpar as well and I couldn't really connect to the characters in emotional scenes.

There was a lot of unused potential. If you have 2hrs to spare, and want to watch a movie with a confusing plot but still some great visuals, this might be for you.

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Great CGI and Steampunk look, poor directing, poor acting, poor storytelling. A wasted opportunity.

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I will rate this movie Cuckhold Harry Potter/10

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main character looks like coconut head :joy:

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This one is a little hard to comment on.

1) The movie sounded like it was badly dubbed from another original language - but as far as I could tell all dialogue was spoken in English which is very confusing.
2) This is the type of movie that would much better be served as a limited series on a streaming service
3) The story was well-intentioned but not filled in completely
4) We needed a lot more character background
5) It does appear that the movie is a Russian production just with English speaking dialogue which explains why the dialogue does not ring true to the ear

And yet - it is definitely an interesting story - I kind of hope it will get remade into a limited series by one of the many big streaming services.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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