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A Quiet Place 2018

Don’t watch this in theaters if there’s a chance of your friends saying a word.

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An absolutely fantastic film. Draws you in with well established characters and a fascinating plot rather than doing exactly what is expected from a "horror film". I would love to get my hands on that script. It's well thought out and the characters and their choices made sense. The way the story progressed made sense and was very human. The creatures were never the focus, it was really all about the family and their love for each other. If you wanna watch a movie about the end of the world and aliens killing humans, there are movies out there for you. This ain't it.

The sound editing/mixing is SO GOOD. Honestly, the sound design was INTENSE. The changes in perspectives, the contrasts and the way they still managed to work in dialogue and music made my heart happy.

All in all it was a fantastic film.

Sidenote: The last 10 were absolutely masterful. I love it. Love love love love.

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Impressive. Maybe a bit too much like a Shyamalan movie, but this had better delivery, which is saying a great deal, and is still very original. Its previews did not do it justice. The movie seems as if it doesn't feel obligated to shock or impress you, but rather draw you in to the story, invest you in the characters, then turn on the afterburners. With an epic final few seconds. In other words, a smart, emotional, well-done movie that ranks as one of the best, in at least the past few years.

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It starts with slow pace but it's getting better and better.Plot is really special and the idea well excetuted.I loved Blunt's perfomance she was just for this role.

I would expect a better final scene but overall i am very satisfied with the result and i suggest to see this tense thriller.7.7/10 from me hope you enjoy your watch! :)

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Top notch horror flick... Who needs words when you can act

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Full disclosure - I am a wimp. I do not do horror flicks because my imagination is so much more terrifying than any movie can reproduce and even the trailer clips of this movie were terrifying. But, I was also intrigued, and it was nominated for an Oscar. I am so glad I took a deep breath and sat down to watch this. This is brilliantly written. The performances were totally captivating and the sound wizards were on their A-game. At one point, in the midst of all the painstaking quiet, there was a noise in my room and I involuntarily reached out to silence it, so as to not be heard. For other wimps, it is the tension that grabs you in this movie, not blood, gore or even the monsters but the slow, sheer build up of intense suspense. Well done John Krasinski et al. I give this film a 9 (superb) out of 10. (Now I'm going to quietly go hide under my covers.) [SciFi Thriller]

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Bad movie actually, theatrical, yes, dramatical, maybe! But definitely not logical. The whole idea behind the movie is flawed. The father's death was absolutely uncalled for, and the creatures were so easy to be dealt with using traps and sound diversion This made me spend the whole movie questioning why they didn't do this or that. But I guess there wouldn't be this movie if they did that.

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Good tension set pieces, if a little repetative as a formula. Totally illogical. Predicatable.

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I enjoyed this film don’t get me wrong, but I felt like it lacked backstory. I would have preferred it a lot more if they had explained where these creatures came from and why there seemed to be no one around. If a few ear pieces could hurt the creatures then why couldn’t all of the military services we have done similar? I felt this film was more sad than scary, I cried a few times at obvious parts. The ending was too cheesy for me and made me go “what the f*ck?” when the credits rolled. The actors were fantastic and the whole look of the film was really good, too. I suppose if they were to make a sequel, a pre-sequel would be best to show us more backstory rather than slapping us in the middle.

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Hmmm. It is an OK movie. It is tense for sure, but in terms of what actually happens there isn't much let's be honest. As there really is no beginning and no end, it feels like a tv series episode in my opinion. There are also some questionable choices from the characters, one in particular, that do not make sense or have any logic. I'd give it a 5 out of 10, sorry.

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It's mediocre, mostly predictable, and not the most exciting. Not unlike Krasinski himself.

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That was terrible just like bird box. Well this was just a little better. I didn’t see the point of this movie. I don’t understand why it popular, won awards, and there’s part 2 coming out. The whole concept is dumb. If creatures are aliens & cant see, how did they travel through space & get to earth? If the world is this messed up, why would you have a kid? Shouldn’t you wait till you learn how to build a sound proof room. Pointless recommendation is to skip it.

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The central conceit of the film may seem gimmicky and has been done before, but this is a brilliantly constructed sequence of tense set pieces. There is a palpable tension straight from the start and it works so well because the filmmakers drip feed little bits of visual information, but equally force the audience into trying to establish themselves what the rules are and leaving you uncertain throughout. Part of how well it works is that they are not afraid to telegraph certain events that you know are going to cause problems and there is as much tension in waiting for the inevitable as there is in how the characters will deal with each situation. There are a couple of moments that feel a little like the rules are being bent slightly but they are not enough to spoil what is a very effective horror.

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I could really relate to this movie. I've got a newborn and we basically need to act the same way and not make a sound whenever he is sleeping.

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I never thought I'd cry during a horror movie!

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If you are looking for a quiet place kids will ruin everything.

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Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2019-01-01T04:36:50Z— updated 2019-01-02T12:49:18Z

It lacked something, I just don't know what. It also felt really short, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it felt like it ended as soon as it started. Kind of underwhelming.
Maybe it was because of the hype but I was a bit disappointed. It's not a bad movie by any means and it definitely has a certain atmosphere, that's for sure.

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it's only good if you accept there is no logic to this movie at all. there are so many similarities with Shyamalan's "signs" in plot points. but i think signs does a lot better in execution.

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This movie is the proof that sometimes, a good movie doesn't need words.
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie.

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Real suspense. Jump scares that are legitimate. And...a nail. The ending was terrific.

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Hauntingly beautiful yet terrifying to watch in a silent theater. If you don't know anything about this film, please go in blind like I did. You won't regret it!

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If the creatures' hearing is so good shouldn't they be able to hear people's heartbeat and breathing?
How did the kids drive the car without being heard??
Interesting idea for a movie bu it feels like it's missing something...

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It’s took me awhile to watch, I don’t know why because I was impressed and the picture was great!

I wasn’t fond of the quietness at first, ( felt like my tv was on mute) but then it grew on me and everything made sense and it all balanced and loved the idea behind it and all good on cast.

I did want a little more information on the past and the supernatural being thought and hopefully they bring that more in the upcoming sequel that i’m looking forward to.

Some good directing from (John krasinski)

P.S Them subtitles were loud.

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It’s official: comedians make good, tense horror films. Between this and last year’s Get Out I’m sensing a trend. Get out isn’t the only easy comparison you can make about John Krasinski’s latest. There are scenes that feel almost taken straight from Tremors, Signs and 10 Cloverfield Lane. The last of which being particularly interesting as this at one point was planed as the next Cloverfield sequel. Despite feeling like a lot of other movies this does stand on its own merits. The main draw being that this is an insanely tense film. The brilliant sound design makes every little sound ring in your ear to the point were any small noise causes you to break out in a cold sweat. There may be a few moments that don’t exactly stand up to logic but the effectiveness of the film making more than makes up for that. Good performances and effective tension. Definitely worth checking out.

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Nothing special, guess i just don't like mute movies, barely managed to finish it...

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What a film this one would've been without a soundtrack right? That would've added a lot!

Anyway, John Krasinski, you have made my permission to make more horror films. I liked this one! I liked the concept, the creature design, Emily Blunt and Krasinksi, the kids were meh, but hey, they are just kids.
I liked the pace of the film and I still hate seeing Nails going into people's feet.

I do think they could've done more. But it is a great coming out party for Krasinski. Who I just still see as Jim Halpert. Did anyone else notice that John now has shared headphones with two people? With Pam (Jenna) and Emily?

Anyway, in the end, I'm glad that horror films are still trying to be new and that they are still getting good releases! Man, I still love me some good Horror!

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So there's creatures out there that'll kill anything that makes even the slightest sound? Better get my wife all good and knocked up then! We all know how eerily silent childbirth is... right?

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Not the best horror movie I’ve seen. It’s predictable and I knew things way before the characters did. Of you don’t watch a lot of horror movies than this one might be scary. Although it did had me 2 times lol. Most weird was that it hardly had spoken words or music so that made it a bit creepy in a way.

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My heart stopped for several moments at different times throughout this. Littered with beautiful moments of suspense and plot twists. A great watch!

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Emily Blunt and John Krasinski star in the horror thriller A Quiet Place. Set in a post-apocalyptic future, a family attempts to live in complete silence to avoid viscous, deadly creatures that are attracted to noise. Both Blunt and Krasinski give really strong performances and do an excellent job at expressing their thoughts and feelings through their facial and body movements. Additionally, Krasinski’s directing style does an impressive job at setting an atmospheric and foreboding tone. And the mystery of what the creatures are and the setup of the post-apocalyptic world are especially well-done. A frightening horror film, A Quiet Place is incredibly intense and full of suspense.

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This was on my watchlist since it game out, 5 years later i finally manage to see it. I didn't regret it. Its a very good thriller, not scary, but unique with it's silent formula. Emily was great, not slowly paced, it also had the right duration. The son was super stupid i mean he got knocked off from a tire!

I will get with part 2 and of course wait for the prequel.
This is a highly recommended thriller gives fresh perspective.
Yes maybe the premice of the monsters and how some illogical stuff on how to kill them or how easy it is to kill them instead of that whole fear but it doens't bother you. The tension is nice built up.

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How come humanity ends when the creatures are easily killed? Why are they having a baby in a situation like this? Why did the father leave his shotgun?
I don't understand why this movie is highly praised, it's so flawed and lacks a backstory.

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I feel so represented as a noise-sensitive monster

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Amazing film, but you need to watch this is the dark. All phones & tablets on silence. The spook factor comes with the sound jumpscares. Great film for the spooky season.

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Brutal opening scene, beautiful soundtrack and nerve-racking from start to finish.

Very emotional movie that made me care about all the characters and I'm looking forward to seeing the second part!

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Few things don't make sense; few were "story engine" (eg. who would like to bring another child into this world; why would Evelyn try so hard to pull that bag instead of checking why it's stuck (you want to be quiet, not strong!)). But overall I enjoyed the movie.

OT: I liked chemistry between main characters (almost like a real married couple :D).

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A very interesting movie that utilizes the concept of sound to a very great effect in this environment. John Krasinski did an excellent job directing this movie.

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hated every moment of this incredibly boring movie. it’s only 90 minutes long but it feels a lot longer than that. a complete waste of time.

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This movie had me on the edge of my seat for one and a half hour. Genius

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Quietly enjoyable :wink: 5.5/10

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I mean, if you turn off your brain, you might enjoy it. But I couldn't. However it was fun to predict the plot with friends.

Part 2, nah, I skip.

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Horrors are not normally my thing but finally got round to watching this on many others recommendation.
Brilliant. Charismatic and incredibly tense.
What a wonderfully conceived story and so well executed by first time director and star. I could watch Blunt do anything and in this was one of her best. A must watch…

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I was avoiding watching this as I’m not a horror genre fan.

Finally bit the bullet and watched it.

It’s a pretty good thriller.

Now, they are making a sequel. Why can’t people let a good thing be?

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After you realize how stereotypical those dialogues are written, you wished they also had to be completely silent in the second half of the movie.

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Boring. That is enough to describe this movie.

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Great movie. I only gave it 7/10 though because it could've had a better ending.

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There is a lot of terror and suspense in this movie where some alien creatures attack everything that makes noise. The fact that there are hardly any dialogues or noises makes you concentrate more on the film and facilitates the state of terror and fright when there is a noise. That is to say, a habitual resource of this type of films is magnified.

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I loved every moment of this. The attention to detail in the world that was built made it all feel believable, which heightens any horror film beyond a simple scare exercise. There was also more than enough heart and emotional moments with the characters that you actually cared for them and when tense moments happened you felt extra tense. The only slight drawback to this all was the weakness of the monsters. It was a bit too easy and you would assume would have been tried already at some point due to the nature of the monster. Still, barring that, I was 100% invested throughout and on the edge of the couch from beginning to end.

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Great film.....well directed and acting was the ending

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couldn't get into the movie at all

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excellent suspense, masterfully directed and well acted

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I am extremely surprised to see comments far from positive for this movie and I don't know why. TBH I wouldn't call this one as a perfect flick, it has gotten lot of flaws but most of the part majority flaws are ignorable.

Quite funny to see people judging it with logic and stuff so I kindly recommend watching this movie by getting immersed to what it's . Do not ask the question, just push it down.

Watch like you're part of the family and then you will definitely enjoy this one. If you're watching just to nitpick then you're gonna be heavily disappointed.

Getting into the movie I gotta say actors have done justice to their roles and definitely kudoos to the sound engineers worked behind. The director pulled off it perfectly and I guess it's because he played as well as he directed !.

Movie never failed to maintain the thrill and intensity, something movie of this genre needs. So in total watch it in a silent atmosphere as the title suggests ' A Quiet Place'.

4/5 must watch.

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Shout by lovebruno
BlockedParent2018-12-22T04:37:42Z— updated 2019-04-08T04:15:11Z

incredible, awesome and unforgettable! the experience with the sound made me had afraid of any noisy when i was watching the movie haha

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Excellent work by John Krasinski and the cast, or crew. Maybe a gang? 6 actor.
It thrilled me, gave me chills, made me whisper to the screen. I watched it with headphones, so most of the time I turned up the volume like a newbie to this kind of movies. But, it made me super relate to Regan who can't hear a thing until it's too late.

Lastly, I believe I'm not the only one who saw that damn nail and new bad thing are coming, but never the less I had the EXACT same reaction as Emily Blunt's character - shock, a pain in my leg, raging desire to scream with the knowing I have to shut the hell up. Than I realized how good this movie is.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
0 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
1 / 1 originality
0 / 1 stays with you

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For an almost fully silent film, it's pretty damn good. İt's kinda thrilling, emotional and clever.

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It seems the father didn't give it much thinking to bring a tiny and loud human to that nightmarish world and you can see he just realizes it as soon as the baby starts to cry outside.

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I can't get over how amazing this was! Super intense, Krasinski did a fantastic job for a first time horror director. Literally the only thing I kinda disliked was the lack of backstory. I'd like to know how those creatures came to Earth, what caused all of that. And why was there no one else around? Other than that, it was amazing, I loved it.

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Full of incoherences. Sure it's utterly logic to get pregnant in a apocalyptic world like that. What the fires mean? Neighbors get pregnant in their own houses? Preparing to their children for university? Curious idea, bad staging.

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It was gripping but with a very shallow plot. hey why waste a lot of life, time, energy and wait so long when products like these are available.

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‪Extremely well done and well acted, still I had a hard time liking this movie. It felt as though we were thrown in the middle of the story with no explanation to anything. You forget about the movie as soon as it’s over. ‬

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So I was bit hungry watching this, I was literally shushing my stomach so it doesn't make any noise :)

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Starts a little bit slow, but gets very intense.
Every time they made sound I was on the edge of the seat because I cared for characters. It's like I was part of the family trying to survive.
10/10 from me. This movie is worth the watch.

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This looked good in the trailer, but the movie was just so-so. Glad I didn't pay to see this.. or leave the house. Could've been so much better.

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Quite good.
My 3 thoughts:
1) Farting would be serios problem!
2) Can't they just make rooms from the stuff used in recording studios? The would have sound proof rooms a not worry about any sound all the time.
3) First weapon I would search would be crossbow.

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This shit too quiet man

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Is it possible to make a good movie with barelly few spoken dialogues? Apparently it is. :)

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Decent, tense monster movie. By underutilizing sound, the visuals pack more of a punch. Tight and not bloated...a tight thriller.

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When I saw the trailer, I was hoping the movie would be better than the book (The Silence by Tim Lebbon). then I wondered why there wasn't a mention of the author. some research later, I found they are calling it an original story by Krasinski, Beck, and Wood. ...ok. Sure. It does explain sooo many changes but considering I never finished reading The Silence, I pushed it off to that. All of this aside, it was a decent movie. Don't Breathe did a much better job building up suspense with the quiet parts but Krasinski and Blunt definitely had great performances.

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Effective suspenser, with expert direction from relative newcomer (to directing) Krasinski. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but needless to say, there are times when you will be rooted to your seat. Sadly, my experience of the film was muted! Thanks to the assholes sat behind me, with their thousand decibel popcorn munching and yapping mouths, the cinema was not the quiet place it was supposed to be. For this reason, I didn't fully appreciate the film, and this is reflected in my rating. It may go up to an 8 after a second viewing.

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Shout by Deleted

can i pretend that this is the real sequel do Cloverfiled?

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A Quiet Place hit pretty much everything in the right way. This was one of the most tense movies I've ever seen.

The way they twist the quietness of the movie with the right amount of music and sound effects made this quite the experience.

I would recommend watching this alone, or with a group of people you know can stay quiet for a whole movie. Also, I'd recommend quiet or no snacks for it as well.

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At first I couldn't understand how this silence would work for a whole movie and keep me gripped, but boy was I wrong. By the end i was totally invested. Great silent acting by all.

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Parents of the year right here.

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I loved this movie. It has a very "zombie-esque" feel with some very intense and thrilling scenes. Fortunately, it doesn't try to jump scare all the time and instead focuses on the story. I love how this is a post-apocalypse movie, but with actually intelligent characters. Nobody doing stupid things to get themselves killed, instead we saw a family who had planned to survive. We see the struggles and plans for the family, who change how they live - but never give up on why. This is a really well made movie and definitely worth a watch.

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What a wonderfully made movie!!!! Emily Blunt was great as usual and Kramaski who directed and wrote the script was amazing.. His acting was great.. The suspense was amazing!!!! The creature was a savage!!! Overall great film

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Shout by Deleted

I will make this a brief review with the concern of not giving any spoilers.

I think this film is a good horror piece. I really like how it starts, and how easily you can pick up the story from the go.

The premise was really good, I don't remember a horror film exploring auditory senses and making those the main focus of the story.

I really liked how the set was displayed, and the attention to detail, somethings they do not even have to tell the viewer through the dialogue for us to realize what is happening.

The end of the film was just 'OK', I believe its asking for a sequel, hopefully, a good one.

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Outstanding performance from Blunt and Krasinski... sometimes it's hard to judge kid actors but these guys nailed it!! Great dialogue/script. Had me on the edge of my seat the whole time! Turns out aliens that hunt by sound.... is scary as fuck!!

I love the creature design! Its like a weird blend of the Demogorgon from Stranger Things and the alien in Super 8!

Huge props to these guys; Bryan Woods, Scott Beck & John Krasinski for writing this masterpeice!

Top Notch!! A Must-see mystery thriller that can make think more about the sound we make in the world now!

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Shout by Paul Littlefield
BlockedParent2018-10-04T22:44:00Z— updated 2018-12-20T12:25:53Z

Experience the full effect, watch this with the lights off and with headphones on. Genius filmmaking. 8/10

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Not really a horror movie, but definitely suspense/thriller. Worth watching in a theater I must say. Audio engineering was done very well (you'd be surprised how hard it is to have a movie with only very small sounds).

Overall, it was kind of a predictable plot, and IMO Emily Blunt was the only good acting talent. However, the premise and plot were new/unique, and again, executed technically perfectly. Also some good emotional parts and all.

Movie went by way faster than it felt like, so for me, entertainment value is great.

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Good film; great concept and well shot. The very last scene was a bit of a dud for me, plus the underlying concept. I think anyone knowing anything about this film will know it's based on sound. I just don't feel that in the real world the weakness of the creatures wouldn't have been known and used beforehand. Plus some of the tactics and things like that.
Still though good watch and lets see how part two turns out.

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Oh. Well ,that was well hyped.

From a slow start to a really predictable ending, it was exactly what I expected. It was well made, reasonable use of special effects, but just a weak story.

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A Quiet Place

I haven't seen a film execute on its premise as well as this one.
The sound design and use of perspective is fantastic.
Great acting.
The plot, though original was predictable and is open to nitpicking if you think beyond the surface level.


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Saw the movie on opening night, front row. Any other event you want to be front row - but with a movie, that's the "bad" seat. Well, i was sitting there because all shows for the night were sold out. Despite the seat selection, the movie was excellent. Good suspense, good dialog (HA!) and overall a great watch.

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I like the concept of the movie, but the characters made me sooo mad. Everything they did just enraged me, they were being so dumb. Even by the standard of characters in horror being idiots, these guys take the cake.

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Agonizing. The lack of sound gave me chills. It's the second time I watch this movie. I did not like it at the first time, but watching it now was different. I liked it very much, but I was shaking everytime. Wow.

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I mean why would you get pregnant in this situation? This movie is pointless. When it finally started to be interesting, it ends.

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Horror films these days are cheap thrills, jumpscares to get your heart pounding, and some lack luster story that somehow connects the scares together. Save for a few films that actually try to have the scare make sense and leave you wondering about the film after it's over - horror is blah. A Quiet Place is one of the best horror films I have ever seen, you can tell it was well thought out, the narrative makes sense, and people have been talking about this film again and again even inspiring many video essays and critiques afterwards.

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This was an incredibly intense 90 minutes, not something I entirely expected. It's such a well made movie.

From the way plot develops, to the interactions between the characters A Quiet Place puts you at the edge of your seat literally from the get go and it has a perfect length too, wrapping up the story in an hour and a half.

Really surprised by John Krasinski directing skills; loved that a lot is left to the viewer (regarding the backstory, creatures origin etc. all we see is some newspaper clippings) and was amazed how consistent and true to itself this movie is.

Almost a perfect experience for me, that's exactly what I am looking for in this genre. It would be full five stars if it wasn't for John Krasinski telling his daughter how he loves her, considering the circumstances, in the most cringe-inducing way possible. Apart from that scene the rest is as solid as his trap-fishing skills.

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I really enjoyed this movie. looking forward to the rest of the series.:thumbsup:

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Shout by mindreah

I'm sorry to all who don't agree but this movie is unironically terrible. it's a good idea but it was exocuted terribly. the acting was kinda okay but not that good in all honesty. the story line does not makes sense, they made the parents so smart but they couldn't even use common knowledge from biology. the dads death was ig emotional but it was most definitely not needed. and the ending? what in the actual f is that? u want me to believe that a woman that JUST gave birth killed a ton of those creatures with a gun and high frequencies?. i get the idea and it's an amazing one but the way they made the movie is horrendous. that's my knowledge at least.

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