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A Most Wanted Man 2014

Good movie, althoug for a German movie I (as a German) found it somewhat disconnecting that actors I know speak English all the time and - making it worse - try to pronounce German names in a way that English people would pronounce it. Why the hell?

Not that I have a problem with English movies (I try to watch all my movies in original language (with subtitles if neccessary) and 90% of these are English) as is. But a German movie in Germany played by German actors shown to a German public in English - that's mighty strange. As well as it was strange that Moslem people when with each other, spoke English, and not Arabic.

Would have loved it, if they did what Tarantino did back with Inglorious Basterds; there would have still be plenty of room for English with all the contacts these people where suppose to have with American Contact persons. And then use subtitles whereever needed. I mean for a movie that depicts the conflict of interest of international collaboration in fighting terrorism a bit more international touch would have been great.

Other than that, however, the movie was really great. I enjoyed it a lot, the actors played their roles well and it was great to see a movie that just depicted the field of problems without judging - it's hard to find someone to relate to, there is no good or bad - you feel like you're thrown into something where you can understand the reasoning and interests of the different people, but where you cannot say "Ok, that guy's the good one, and that's the bad".

I really liked that about the movie.

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Philip Seymour's last film. How depressing. Like almost all of his films this was well worth the time. Definitely a worthy sendoff. follow me at

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Brilliantly assembled spy mystery without the fluff, and definitely worth watching.

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In his final film, the late, great Philip Seymour Hoffman shows exactly why he was generally acclaimed as one of the finest living screen actors.

With this beautifully plotted adaptation of the John le Carré novel of the same name, Anton Corbijn (a director I've liked since his music videos for Nirvana, Metallica and U2) shows he is more than just a music video director, building on the promise he showed with the brilliant Control (2007) and The American (2010) to make a film with increasing levels of suspense, making it a thoroughly engrossing experience.

This isn't something you can put on while ironing or browsing the Internet, but a film which deserves your full attention and rewards your time and mental energy, drawing you into a web of espionage with a powerful dénouement.

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The loss of Phillip Seymour Hoffman was never more evident then in the viewing of this performance, such a mammoth legacy lost.

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A fine goodbye for Philip Seymour Hoffman.

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While I agree this film is not fast-paced, I don't think that detracts from its value. This film is about espionage, not quick action sequences, and the slow-burn fits. The ending was a little disappointing with regard to what I wanted for the characters and story, but it wasn't altogether unexpected or unrealistic, and it was foreshadowed enough to not have just come out of left field. Hoffman, Dafoe, and McAdams acted very well, and the rest of the cast did a nice job as well. It's a rather unassuming film, but it's not unworthy of praise. I can't say I would watch it again without a special reason, but I enjoyed watching it through once.

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فيلم حلو بس يميل للبروده شويه افضل جزء فيه اخر خمس دقايق
اول فيلم اشوفه لفيليب هوفمان بعد وفاته:(

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A Most Wanted Man was a decent but unremarkable thriller. Even though the plot itself was intriguing, there just wasn't much urgency to the story and it wasn't really compelling to watch. There wasn't any build up or climax, no suspense, the whole thing just sort of plodded along at its own pace. And the ending was just... Eugh, why is it so rare for endings to be satisfying? Fine performances by everybody involved and I definitely liked Rachel McAdams more in this than I do in her usual roles in romcoms. There wasn't much characterisation of anybody though, nobody had much of a personality to speak of. It's sad that Philip Seymour Hoffman's swan song won't be more memorable.

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Shout by Will

Horrible Ending indeed. ugh!

Hate when they do that. I don't care enough to imagine what happened next so just show me damn you!!

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Slow. Boring. Horrible Ending. Dont bother

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this is moveis i liek how i can see this movies

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I have mixed feelings. The cast and Philip Seymour Hoffman are great, so are the images of Hamburg shot by Corbijn. But the plot and the screenplay didn't really fit and seemed artificial. The American cast just did not quite fit the German setting. Still a solid movie, though.

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Few people in cinmema. Counterterrorism John le Carre style not 24 style, well taken and interpreted

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Do Germans in Germany speak English with german accent like in 'Allo 'Allo, or they speak plain german? Point removed for their fake accents. Nevertheless a good movie, explaining a bit why Americans will fight the terrorism for a very long time.

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