still a better love story than twilight.

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Really lovely cinematography, just very slow with little dialogue - and while that creates a nice sad, haunting atmosphere, I didn't find it terribly exciting

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This movie was fucking cool, the way a Tarantino movie is just fucking cool. Killer soundtrack, arresting visuals, the whole works. The movie was pretty spare, but what it lacked in plot development it made up for in style and the whole thing worked for me.

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This movie was good but a bit slow for my liking. The best part of this movie was the cinematography.... so beautiful.... the story was well understood, tragic, sad...not a vampire movie in the sense of the ones you’ve already seen but there is a vampire. Worth the watch. Not heavy on dialogue but the visuals keep you stuck to the tv.

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This movie was lovely. It had beautiful cinematography and the black and white contrast gave it a noir feel. The filming choices further heightened the noir feel, contrasting black and whites, lines, shadows, smoking, and bright red lips, beautiful. Of course, some of the best things about the movie were the cat and the music. Overall I wasn't at all disappointed that I chose to watch it.

As "Keeper70" aptly states,

Anyway if your contribution to the cinematic world is a skateboarding Iranian vampire then you need to make more films.

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Twilight meets Iran in Arty Farty ambiance. Good Music.

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Strange, very quiet movie. Normally I don't go for romance but I loved the two leads' chemistry in this.

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What the hell was that? Only the music selecting was OK in the whole movie

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A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night is a beautifully shot film, with great atmosphere and style. That's what is provided to the viewer. Nothing more.

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I had no idea I needed a black & white boy meets vampire love story tonight. But I did. Music and visuals were great in this super slow burn. I'm willing to overlook the pretentious thinking that the art house vibe would make up for the lack of real substance in an overly simple plot.

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Level "Excellent" • 8 :heart: • Recommended.

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Absolutely awful. Slow, boring, uninspired, insipid performances.


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Possibly deserving of a better rating than I’m giving this film but most of these artsy, style over substance films don’t hit home for me. This one wasn’t able to really draw me in and I found myself checking the runtime. Perhaps a late night viewing after a work shift wasn’t the best time to watch as I was already dreary eyed.

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Epic soundstrack in all the film.

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Grossly overrated.
It was like Amirpour had one little subversive idea [the intro of The Velvet Vampire (1971) did it better though], made a 10-minute short film and then dragged it out for 90 minutes more without adding anything of substance.
Go watch Tehran Taboo (2017) instead.

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Watched this with Joe Bob. Bit too slow for my tastes but his commentary during kept me into it.

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