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300: Rise of an Empire 2014

Guards! Remove this filth from my TV.

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Wow, that was really horrible! The title should have been "300: More 3D Blood... Lots more." Even glancing blows across plate armor produced gigantic torrents of blurry red goo, and not a single drop fell on the attacker. They would have been covered in gore from head to toe. Really silly and distracting.

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This movie has the fakest blood I've ever seen I'm LOSING my mind

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Spectacular visuals but thin on story this is a great film for fans of the colour red!

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Zack Synder has made two good movies in his entire career - 300 and Wonder Woman.

Please don't expect this movie to be any good.

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Decent movie as a sequel. The 1st one was better. King Xerxes is back and Gerald Butler as Leonidas has very few scenes. Eva Green was very good as an antagonist. The 300 movies have a certain "style" with the lighting, fight scenes, and the use of gore. This "style" (I have no idea what to call it) can feel gimmicky at times, but with few movies using it, it's something that's mostly entertaining.

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Absolutely unnecessary prequel / sequel to the ingenious 300: the story is lacking horrible and the action alone cannot make up for that IMHO. I would suggest to save your time & money and skip "Rise of an Empire" (and if you really have to watch something like 300, just watch it again, it is so much better!).

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Amazing cast and acting, but unfortunately talent alone can't save a movie. With all the editing, CGI, and slow-motion the action scenes looked more like animation than live-action film. Plot-wise, it could have been interesting, but for some reason I kept counting how long until the end. The soundtrack honestly didn't help, it was bland and unmemorable. The one highlight is Queen Gorgo heading into battle, the one moment where you would actually care to look at the screen instead of checking your e-mail.

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totally fake! this is a huge historical lie

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The film was better than I thought it was to going to be. But nothing like the first one. The action is fun to watch but the story itself is pretty lacking and takes lots of plot elements from the original.

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I came to this film, not expecting much, and was pleasantly surprised, really enjoyed it, the action sequences are great, the naval battles look awesome on screen and the director does a fantastic job.......and I love Eva Green

The reviewers here i think have been a bit unfair, I for one enjoyed

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Great movie will watch again

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Rubbish rubbish and more rubbish

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Like the first one amazing

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The only reasono to watch it is to see Eva Green.

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While the visuals were stunning (yay 3D blood!), I found it ridiculous that the seemingly sexual tension between Themistocles and Artemisia ended up becoming the focus of the story. Script is also full of motherhood statements that don't make sense except to men who think there is "glory" in war.

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They had to constantly refer to the previous film, because there was nothing to support this one. It was a sad copy.

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C is for Crap 300: Rise of an Empire

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Decent movie as a sequel. The 1st one was better. King Xerxes is back and Gerald Butler as Leonidas has very few scenes. Eva Green was very good as an antagonist. The 300 movies have a certain "style" with the lighting, fight scenes, and the use of gore. This "style" (I have no idea what to call it) can feel gimmicky at times, but with few movies using it, it's something that's mostly entertaining.

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unnescessary sequel, worse than prequel, just bad.....

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"300" was ground breaking at the time of release, "Rise of an Empire" merely perfects that first step into a world of a different, and maybe more enigmatic, way of story telling. For these reasons 300:Rise of an Empire gets a 8.5/10.

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Horse ? In naval battle ? Really ?

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You´ll need to have a preference for a movie like this. If so you get your moneys worth. If not, don't bother

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I liked the first one. However this part actually tries to have characters and story which doesn't work and really is a bad thing. Eva Green is at her worst.

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I realized this couldn't be a good movie in the opeing scene, when I understood the story was contemporary to the events in 300. I mean, 300 was good, it didn't lay the path for prequels/sequels, so what do they do? Parallelquel!

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Didn't care for this one at all.

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It was a really horrible movie. I wouldn't recommend it for anybody.

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The first one was already bad, but it was unique, fun too watch and had some unique acting and features.
This one is everything the first movie was, without it's positive points and all aspects done a tad worse.

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Hey look Doctore has changed sides

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Pas mal

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Hated it. Shut it off after 25 minutes. Even that was 2 long. Thought it would be great. Disappointed. My 2 cents

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Pas terrible

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I think its wrost digital blood ever.

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the glory of blood

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Not close to the first one. Turned it off half way through.

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the movie was good but not as good as the first one.

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Blood, blood, more blood and Eva Green's tits.

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Surprised I really enjoyed this one, great action scenes, good battle music, boobs, and a nice speech as well. A worthy sequel.

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I feel like Gerard Butler was missing in 300: Rise of an Empire.
Lots of potential but overall disappointing.

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Here we have a top contender for the Razzie Awards.

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Stay with the first one, this sequel has absolutely no interest (except for the naked Eva Green @ 56').

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Loved the first one. This one was like watching the whole thing in slow motion with fake CGI blood flying all over. Mildly entertaining.

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aesthetics, nothing more.If you loved the 1st one, DON'T watch this sequel.

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Thanks god I didn't go to the movie theater to see this movie... It's not a bad movie, but it is not a really good movie deserving to go to the movie theater to watch it...

If you have a few beers and pop corn in your home and have absolutely nothing to do, this is your movie for sure...

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Pedazo de truño

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CGI was way to shitty. the blood looked like a mercury / oil mix, the story was more than paper thin and the visual style looked like a old C&C Cutsceene. not worthy to be called a 300.

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Unfortunately disappointing. A lot of things did not make sense (like the random horse. on. a. ship.), and it's very hard to impossible to connect to the characters.
What I really liked what the entire idea of the fleet fights, which is something that hasn't really been done before, I enjoyed it very much.

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como assistir ?

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muito bom. sangue puro

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La frentona esta sabrosa

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Nice ,but without the sensation of "something new" brought by the first 300

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300 was on land, these on water, I liked somewhat less, but still very good and will become a new classic for me

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12 year old boys will love it. No dialog, no connection to main characters, just a bunch of swords making blood gush. I nearly fell asleep.

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Shout by Ben

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