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28 Weeks Later 2007

One of the few cases where the sequel is as good, if not better than the original. Now I patiently wait to complete the trilogy with 28 Months Later (come on Danny, hurry up).

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when your dad is such a helicopter parent that he follows you across london through fire and chemical warfare just to try and murder you

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Few good scenes here and there but pretty stupid movie. First one was one of the GOATs zombie movie but this is shiet.

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I liked it more than the first movie, but one thing bothers me: Why were there no soldiers stationed in the mother's room? Why was the mother strapped down, so she couldn't avoid her death? You have the most valuable and the most dangerous person in the country in that room, and nobody bothers to protect her? A massive outbreak on the base all because of one kiss.

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1.5 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

.5 / 1 misc (score)

8 / 10

("second" viewing)
As a sequel: Awesome score was overused, and there was too much ham-fisted Hollywood action. Where's Danny Boyle when you need him?
As its own movie: Solid zombie flick with maybe the best opener in the genre.

1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
.5 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

7 / 10

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Pros: Great soundtrack, amazing cinematography, fast pacing, good actors.
Cons: Huge plot holes, extremely naive senario threw the whole movie out of its scope.

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I mean… the first movie was not the best already but then this more than illogical sequel came along and made it even worse…

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28 Weeks Later had an over-long first act, abbreviated second and third acts, and action scenes filmed with hand cams in the dark. Big disappointment. That said, I did enjoy watching a 2007 Jeremy Renner, and Imogen Poots turns in a sold first major role. Other than that, avoid this one like the zombie plague.

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people may more like it the first movie.i found the the special effects on this seem improved than before.been waiting to the next.

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Really good sequel to an excellent first movie. I liked it a lot and waiting for years now for 28 months later :)

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HAHAHAHA these kids are the absolute worst. LMFAOOOO
If I ever have a camp or zone in an apocalypse I will for sure have a no kid policy. Lesson learned.
Fun movie though

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Shout by Deleted

也就拍摄手法和OST有点意思, watched at 2020-06-06, imported from douban

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I preferred 28 Days Later, as I felt the characters were more interesting.

Regardless, this is still a highly enjoyable zombie film. Seeing more of London in an apocalyptic state was pretty intriguing.

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Available movie, didn't liked at all...plot make no sense, climax make no camera work and direction is shitty

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Now with extra depression! And barf inducing camera work and kids who seem to actively want to be eaten by the infected.

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meh... Kind of a tired re-hashing of other post-apocalyptic movies and not really anything original here. I detest movies with this kind of ending, though, and there was so much about this movie that (1) made no sense or (2) was just difficult to follow that it really wasn't worth sitting still for an hour and a half. Also, be warned that this movie should be avoided by those with epilepsy or other similar afflictions; numerous scenes in the movie were shot in dark/underground settings with extended flashing/strobe lighting and it was pretty unsettling. I would watch this again if there were nothing else on but - like this time - I would regret it. Really wasn't all that great a movie. Not really a "zombie" movie because - as in other similar movies - this was more about a virus that decimated humanity...not the dead coming out of their graves. No "shuffle shuffle "Brains!" here; these dudes are fast and have a really nasty attitude.

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did like it, and for me better than the first one. yes, some things could be better. still i like the action in it and the story

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I should've left this movie where it was. In a happy memory. It really isn't good like I remember.

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Shout by Deleted

This is shit.
Shit plot and shit script.
The only thing carried over from the original is the tune In The House - In A Heartbeat.

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I hate this movie. My head is still shaking.

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Not as great as 28 Days Later but still enjoyable for the most part, minus some mind-numbing scenes, extremely annoying shaky-cam and dated CGI. Also didn't feel as connected to the main characters in this movie as I did with those in 28 Days...

Other than that, if you just wanna kill 90 minutes with some zombie carnage, 28 Weeks does the trick.

Now give us 28 Months goddamn it, it's been 13 years already!

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all this catastrophy can be prevented when the teen and kid followed the military protocol. Well, in real life, being a teen sometimes makes stupid decision and the movie lesson is about stupidity.

well like the virus, there is no cure for stupidity.

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I liked this one just as much as the first. It's slow to start but interesting how they would deal with eh aftermath of what happened. The back half is almost a full blown action movie with some horror. I forgot that there are some big names in the cast.

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How to NOT survive a zombie apocalypse.

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Volvo. Best car. ;)

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