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22 July 2018

This was a really hard movie to watch, especially because I have been to the island during a Socialist Youth summer camp in 2016. I can't give this movie an unbiased review, or rating. I just want people to know that the feeling of happiness before the shooting, the camp fire and the football match, that still happens every year. We're trying to take our island back, and we're succeeding. For socialist, social-democratic, and green youth, this island's name will return back to being synonymous with joy one day. I was too young to be politically active in 2011, but looking back upon it, I hope our comrades who lost their lives are proud we're still using the island for summer camps, and not letting the tragedy stop us.

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Horrifying in its reenactment of the terrorist attacks in Norway, and gripping within the telling of the political, familial, and legal aftermath of the events, this is another enthralling up close and personal look at the inhumanity of man from Greengrass. Watch it, cry a little, and then let it spur you into making your life count for the better.

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This is quite a chilling movie, to say the least. It might be hard to watch for some, because it's done so well - everything feels real. The acting is really strong here. I think it was a smart move for the film not to necessarily focus on the tragedy, but instead focus on the aftermath. A good film by Netflix.

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I can see why some people would think the second part is slow and boring when the first 30 minutes are so tense and action-packed. But I found the aftermath to be more emotionally engaging.

PS: It's crazy how many people you can find on Twitter and Facebook that talk like this terrorist.

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The beginning is hard to watch. Then after that it becomes a legal drama dealing with the aftermath which is very slow and boring.

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Very dark movie, emotionally gutting at times. Phenomenal acting and story telling.

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For me this film was really exciting at the beginning but became slightly slow and tedious in its latter half. Though I do think that that is down to my personal preference and not a comment on the film being bad. This was still pretty good though

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Although I can’t comment on its historical accuracy, the movie was well cast and was really engaging.

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For a drama movie, rigid acting does not help the reception of this film. Only the actor playing Breivik is not as bad in his role.

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Based on the book by Åsne Seierstad but there is no comparision between these two. The book is much more dramatic and detailed, contains the story of the past. We can actually get to know e.g. Viljar, Lara, but also Simon, Anders, Bano and even Breivik. Center of the story is the island but there was place for everything contained in movie and much more. And there were differences or simplifications. I think that the book has a lot more to offer.

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Too slow, bored and legal stuffs. I don't really get the propose of this movie...

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Excellent representation of a historic event. Good writing, good actor performances and good direction.

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Shout by Deleted

Starts off intense but quickly becomes slow and boring. Should've been shorter.

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