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100 Tears 2007

Two writers for a tabloid rag decide to take it upon themselves to do an expose on a series of homicides committed by a killer clown. The first time we see this maniac he's dispatching the numerous residents/staff of some halfway house with ease. The two aforementioned writers get wind of this and decide to go see the aftermath for themselves. Needless to say Mr. Clown isn't happy about this.

The story itself is serviceable enough, nothing spectacular in the least, but it's not the main reason to watch this flick anyway as it takes a backseat to the gore. And i mean gore with a capital G. This movie is brimming with the stuff and all of it looks pretty damn good given the budget the film had. The characters weren't too fleshed out, but whatever, it's good enough for a gorehound to pass the time away when one has nothing better to do.

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