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Titans: 2x01 Trigon

Decent episode but shouldn't have been the season premiere. It would've been better off as the season finale of the first season. I wouldn't be surprised if this episode was intended to be just that. It certainly would've worked a whole lot better. And Trigon's defeat was very anticlimactic. I'm sure that was because he won't be the focus of the season which is why this should've been the season finale of the first season and not this season's premiere. I don't get why it was decided otherwise, but it is what it is.

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The Rookie: 1x16 Greenlight

Out of all the people it could've been. Fuck. To be fair, I like every main character so it probably would've been just as affecting if it was someone else, but still. Rest in peace, Capt. Zoe Andersen.

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Breaking Bad: 3x02 Caballo sin Nombre

I like that Jesse got back the house and how he got it back. His parents deserved it. Walter's lucky that he met Gus before those two guys decided to come and go after him.

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Breaking Bad: 5x13 To'hajiilee

I'm not an expert on guns and gun recoil, but I find it pretty dumb that both Hank and Steve were able to get behind cover without getting shot. Both of them were in the open, and Jack, Todd, and everyone else was aiming right at them yet they manage to get behind decent cover without getting shot. I think they're even luckier than Walter.

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Breaking Bad: 5x16 Felina

Well, this is it. I've finally watched Breaking Bad. I'm a little depressed, not sure if that's the right word, how Jesse looks and is completely different than he was earlier in this season and the previous seasons. But I'm glad that even after all that Walter has done and how much it affected Jesse, they still had somewhat of a bond at the end and I liked how they nodded at each other when Jesse was about to drive away.

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Breaking Bad: 4x09 Bug

I was never a fan of Gus, but the scene where the sniper is shooting near him and he keeps walking forward was pretty badass.

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Titans: 1x09 Hank and Dawn

Contrary to what people think about this episode, I liked it a lot. It's probably one of my favorite episodes of this season. I didn't particularly like Hank and Dawn back in the second episode when they made their first appearance, but this episode made me like them a lot. I liked Hank's brother a lot too. It's a shame what happened to him. Perhaps the writers can bring him back somehow, that'd be cool.

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Breaking Bad: 2x10 Over

Walter is slowly slipping into his Heisenberg persona in his personal life. It's only a matter of time before he slips a little too much. He needs to go back to being Heisenberg, selling meth, so he can be all badass out there instead of among his family. Taking the ending of the episode into consideration, Walter's whole plan of being done with his other life isn't working out too well. I wonder if those two guys, or at least the boss or leader, whatever you'd call him, realized he's Heisenberg since he told them to stay out of his territory. Or maybe they were just scared.

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Breaking Bad: 1x05 Gray Matter

The family talk scene was so good. I understand Skyler's perspective as well as Walter's, but Marie was right and I'm glad Hank agreed with her. It's entirely Walter's choice. I wonder what happened between Skyler and Marie. Their quarrels seem more than simply being sisters and always at each other's throats.

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Breaking Bad: 2x04 Down

Jesse is really hitting rock bottom, I feel bad for him. I get he's a drug addict and whatnot, but as far as everything else other than that, he's not that bad of a person. Walter on the other hand, is a complete asshole to Jesse and it's only getting worse. I like how there's still somewhat of a friendship or whatever you'd call it between them, as proven when he let him into his house and still gave Jesse the money after their fight.

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Breaking Bad: 2x09 4 Days Out

Best episode of the season and of the show so far, I loved it. Walter and Jesse really bonded in this episode more than they ever have, and Jesse seems to be maturing, personality-wise. I like how Walter was a bit proud when Jesse answered correctly, but of course, he completely failed the next question in a humorous way.

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Breaking Bad: 3x11 Abiquiu

I wonder if Gus was referring to Jesse when he told Walter to never make the same mistake twice.

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That was a lot better than I was expecting. The trailer didn't do it enough justice. I knew I'd enjoy it based off the trailer. But now that I've watched it, the trailer seems like it could've been a whole lot better. I feel like this movie will one of those movies that I enjoyed very much and the majority will nitpick at, and that's completely fine. I totally wasn't expecting what I'd call a twist, not completely sure if others will feel the same way, near the end of the movie. And the acting in that scene, after the twist was revealed, was fantastic. From both Mads Mikkelsen and Vanessa Hudgens. Especially hers. I was a bit surprised on how different she looks in real life as opposed to her appearance in the movie. She looks like a completely different person compared to her character. I actually think how she looked in the movie was more attractive than she is in real life, not that she isn't attractive outside of this movie. Anyway, I hope there will be a second movie as the ending did suggest the possibility.

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Breaking Bad: 5x01 Live Free or Die

Walter is already significantly different than he was in the previous season.

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Breaking Bad: 3x09 Kafkaesque

Skyler's story was great. I'd say she's a better liar than Walter, in making the lies sound extremely believable. She should have a part in what Walter's doing, a part where she'll have to talk with a lot of people and lie. Surely there's someone with a position like that in the whole chain of command.

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Breaking Bad: 2x12 Phoenix

As dark as what Walter did was, she deserved it. She was completely full of herself and blackmailed Walter for the money. Not to mention she was basically making Jesse's decisions for him. While she may have truly loved him, she would've definitely used that money to continue being an addict. That's most likely the very reason she even wanted the money. I'm not going to feel sympathy now that she's dead.

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Breaking Bad: 2x08 Better Call Saul

Saul's great. I like him already. I can't help but think that he's going to be a big part of the show from this point forward. He said it best. Even drug dealers need a lawyer. And he's probably the best possible lawyer any criminal can get.

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Avenue 5: 1x01 I Was Flying

Is it that tough to enjoy a show, nowadays? People seem to be disliking shows more and more, their standards rising higher, for no apparent reason, and needlessly nitpicking at everything. This was completely fine. It was very entertaining and had more than enough funny moments. I'm relieved that I'm not that way. I feel sorry for those who are.

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Breaking Bad: 3x06 Sunset

Watching the RV get destroyed was a bit saddening to watch. I'm sure it was worse for both Jesse and Walter.

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Doom Patrol: 1x07 Therapy Patrol

I'm probably apart of the minority on this and there may be a few people who will get pissed off at me for saying this, but Jane absolutely deserved what Cliff said to her. I get that her past was and is very, very traumatic, I do. That doesn't mean she should get a pass every time she's being a bitch and shouldn't have shots fired back at her.

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Breaking Bad: 5x07 Say My Name

One of my favorite episodes. It's a shame Mike is dead. Walter shouldn't have let his emotions get the better of him. If he didn't, Mike would still be alive. Walter is becoming his own downfall. Jesse will find out he killed Mike sooner or later and that'll be the final nail in the coffin, Jesse will officially hate Walter and officially leave the whole business instead of always being dragged back. The business is more of an addiction than being a drug addict.

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Breaking Bad: 4x10 Salud

I bet Mike is super proud of Jesse now. Not only did he not just stand there, just like he did in the previous episode when the sniper was shooting at them, but he shot back and killed the one shooting at them this time. He took Mike's advice, in a sense, and did even more. He also saved both Mike and Gus.

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Breaking Bad: 3x01 No Más

Decent season premiere. I'm surprised Skyler found out already. She's a lot smarter than she lets on.

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Breaking Bad: 2x01 Seven Thirty-Seven

You can clearly tell this episode isn't what you'd expect a season premiere to be like, due to this episode and the next being cut from the first season, next episode being the episode that was supposed to be the season one finale.

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Prodigal Son: 1x20 Like Father...

This was an exceptional finale. The twist did come out of nowhere, but I don't think it was an asspull without any foreshadowing. I mean, as I said, it did come out of nowhere, but I think hating it and calling it an asspull is unnecessary. Foreshadowing it would've ruined it. But I guess some people would prefer twists to be foreshadowed, for some odd reason. Plus, it's not like she did it and didn't react after she did it. She simply did it out of desperation without an active frame of mind, which is why she acted and reacted the way she did after the fact. I don't see the issue with that and how it came out of nowhere with no indication. Regardless, I enjoyed it. And I believe the ending opened up a door for new possibilities for a very interesting second season, which I hope will come to fruition.

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Avenue 5
Breaking Bad: 3x07 One Minute

I'm a little disappointed that the two brothers were killed off so soon. The one that Hank shot in the head, anyhow. I think the other one is still alive. I get Hank is one of the main characters and they aren't. So naturally, they were bound to get killed off, but I wish they were killed off differently and further into the season.

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Breaking Bad: 3x05 Más

The talk between Marie and Skyler was pretty nice. I'm glad that they're putting their differences aside and whatnot.

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The Boys: 1x08 You Found Me