

Orlando, Florida

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Hey, you remember that joke when Indiana's son Mutt in Crystal Skull made the joke to him proclaiming, "What are you, like 80?" Well, by the time Dial of Destiny releases in 2023, Harrison Ford will be. What once was a passing jest at the character's long past prime, we've now scraped the bottom of the dig site. Just reboot and get Chris Pratt to play.

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Let Him Go

So, it's basically a prequel to Man Of Steel.

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Mortal Kombat

This is one of the best video game to movie adaptations ever made. Such a campy classic. I love this movie, even if it has some obvious flaws.

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R.I.P. Chester Bennington from Linkin Park

Their song, "What I've Done," plays in the end credits of this movie.

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Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time

In 2015, Hideaki Anno said anime as an industry is dying and only has about 5 years left, then it might go through a resurgence.

jump ahead 3 years

Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 is finally announced for release in 2020. OH FUCK. Anno is going to kill the entire industry by releasing the final Evangelion movie. The madman will do the deed himself. Just more of what you'd expect from the master.

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The lowest of low. The editing is nauseating, the acting is atrociously bad, the stark contrast between reshoots and original photography are obvious, and the story is as devoid as life as you can ruin a such rich legend. How anyone can defend such an embarrassment from the studio has to stem from some blind brand loyalty. There is nothing passionate behind the lens, nothing resonating off the screen, it's a once interesting dramatic take on the story raped in to a 300 million disaster dumped on to Disney+.

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The Strangers

That sequence where Glenn Howerton walks slowly through the house while the Mama Tried vinyl plays, and the killer follows behind him, makes this movie worth a watch just for that. A couple of unnecessary slow sequences, but goddamn, there's some nuggets of sheer brilliance locked in this movie. A little more work on the writing would've helped, but overall, the direction and choice of music was superb. I'll be revisiting this movie just for some of the great scenes scattered throughout.

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Redeeming Love

Surprisingly enjoyable, passionate film about redemption of the body through the soul. This isn't a Hallmark film that's cheaply made and thrown out into the market. I haven't read the original book, but the production quality and acting from up-and-coming stars like Logan Marshall-Green and Abigail Cowen steal the show. Sets looks great, cinematography is rich, and the film is paced decently even at it's 2+ hour runtime. Very bleak, taxing story that goes into some dark places; child prostitution, abortion, death, brothels, cheating, and more. It's a rewarding experience though.

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The Prince of Egypt

I can officially confirm the mid to late 90's was the golden age of animated movies.

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The Exorcist

I'm not going to bother writing a 10 page essay on why this film has deep meanings or some bullshit like that, but I'll just say, it's pretty damn shocking.

The fact they got a 12 year-old little actress to stab her vagina with a crucifix until it's bloody while yelling, "Fuck me!" is pretty damn ballsy, especially for the time period.

Great performances, haunting music, tense final act with the exorcism, and it leaves you feeling dirty. It's not the scariest movie I've ever seen, but it's one of the most shocking.

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Missing Link

Laika will stay in business forever. You may ask, how? They currently employ over 300 employees at their main location and each of their films consistently underperforms, the last two straight up bombing. May I inform you the president also owns Nike. He's worth 35 billion dollars. To his son, Travis Knight, who just did Bumblebee, this is pocket money for them. I can see the conversations now.

Phil Knight: Alright son, what do you want?
Travis Knight: Hey dad, I just want to make another movie with those dolls. You think you can spare some money?
Phil Knight: No problem my child. How much?
Travis Knight: The usual, 60 million.
Phil Knight: Why, go right ahead, you little wiper snapper! Just bring some of it back.
Travis Knight: Thanks daddy! I'll fund the next one with my Bumblebee money!

As for the movie itself? No idea, didn't see it, no one did.

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The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious

Masterpiece. Anime of the season. Dark-skinned gothic maid is an automatic must watch.

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What the hell is this raceswapped bullshit?

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The Ring

Genuinely spooky film. One of the better adaptations made for an American audience. Ignore the sequels though.

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Kevin Costner's reciting of, "Back... and to the left... back... and to left... back... and to the left... back... and to the left... back... and to the left," is now like implanted in my brain.

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Beauty and the Beast

You want to know the best thing about this movie?

Emma Watson turned down "La La Land" to do this...

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Not on Blu-ray? The fuck? This is one of the greatest family movies ever made. Gorgeously shot, fantastic soundtrack, funny jokes, wonderful performances, and a silly & fun story. I remember watching this when I was younger and just falling in love with it instantly. I highly recommend you see it. Find a copy and watch it. It's great.

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Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase

A shame not many kids nowadays know about this movie. I fucking loved it as a kid. It's still enjoyable today, as an adult.

What I can never understand is the timeline inconsistencies in these cartoons. The Scooby gang came out in the 60's. They were groovy hip teenagers in the 60's, that's who they were. But now in this movie, here they are in the early 2000's, they're the same age, and they're in the Gameboy and computer age... They jumped forward in time? They don't age?

Same problem with The Simpsons. They came out in the 80's with the NES-like video games, but now in 2017, they're the same age and they're dealing with GPS'... yeah, cartoon characters never age.

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Donnie Darko

Was not expecting to like this one as much as I did. I don't think it's a masterpiece or like the greatest movie ever, but that's not to say I was fully intrigued and focused on it from beginning to end. Enough engaging sequences and surprisingly funny scenes brought this psychological ride to the level that I would consider to be great. I don't necessarily get the huge fan-base it's gotten, but I could see it as more of a cult hit. It's a bizarre movie and not one I'll probably revisit soon, but I'm glad I saw it. When Donnie ripped into Jim Cunningham, I was on the verge of laughing my ass off. That scene alone earns this movie at least four stars.

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The Disappearance of Alice Creed

I watched this for a screenwriting class; it's not the first thing I would recommend to my students, but there's enough here to appreciate. There's no dialogue for the first, maybe, ten minutes; it's a montage of the two kidnappers very elaborately setting up their apartment room where they will hold their victim ransom. The script has enough twists, turns, and raw performances to keep you interested. Because the movie starts out with the two kidnappers and spends most of the time with them, you end up feeling for them at a couple spots (I won't spoil what the reveals are, they actually will take you by surprise). What enhanced my viewing of this immensely was turning on the Saw soundtrack over most of the movie; you should try it to. Like Saw, the majority of the runtime takes place in one room, or here, one house. It's not the most original script ever, but it kept me engaged to a degree where I didn't want to turn it off, and that's high praise from me.

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Better Off Dead...


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Trick 'r Treat 2

Okay, now that you finished that little Godzilla movie, can you get back to this, please?

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Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

After Terminator: Dark Fate, you all need to give this movie an apology.

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Shelby Oaks

This is going to be the greatest comedy of 2024. They will be showing this in arthouse theaters years from now with Stuckmann making appearances like Greg Sestero does for The Room.

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The Flash

Writing out a review is too much for this insult to comics, audiences, and the film industry. Christina Hodson, Geoff Johns, and all the manchildren responsible for this nightmare need to lose their jobs. Easily the worst, most obnoxious film ever released theatrically on this budget. Thank God it's going to lose $300M at the box office. People are rejecting this slop.

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Sex scene is the best part of the film, not a high bar, but there's no point to it. Some decent score and production design, but overall a bore.

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Come Play

Shout by filmtoaster
BlockedParent2020-11-30T07:13:38Z— updated 2020-12-05T04:46:28Z

He just wants to be your friend.
Jacob Chase has entered my shortlist for upcoming young horror directors. This was masterful. Roque Baños' score is some of his best work, even above his collaborations with Sam Raimi. While the timely message of our screens becoming a substitute for real life companionship, something that Pulse already tackled back in the day, turning the concept in to a creepypasta style horror film works wonders. The jumpscares are organic and inoffensive, the cinematography and use of the creature in his scenes are devilishly stylish, and little Azhy Robertson acted his ass off. The film handles his autism very tastefully, and I can speak to that since I have one brother who is exactly the same as him. It's a scary idea, that while his attachment and use for his devices are a necessity, they could be doing more damage than good beneath the surface; And that we've become overreliant on technology to solve our problems. I don't get what the backlash behind the film is geared at, but I think those are just looking for something to be upset about. The ending is what got me, nearly made my eyes water.

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Super 8

It's fun, but forgettable, and that really sucks. I want to give it a higher rating.

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Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

Finally getting to see this movie again, I forgot how many good things were in this. I was especially surprised at how convincing the child actors were in their roles. I thought Jim Carrey could be annoying at times, but it's actually not a bad adaptation like everyone makes it out to be. Definitely better than Nickelodeon's other movies based on books.

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Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams

"Do you think... God stays in heaven, because he too lives in fear of what he's created?"

A Spy Kids movie should not get this deep.

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