


Abbott Elementary: 2x11 Read-a-Thon

THAT ENDING, did not see it coming aldkjksjdks
'Ava vu,' I died
Also, absolutely LOVE how they highlighted that audiobooks count as reading as well as the struggles that might come with reading

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Abbott Elementary: 2x09 Sick Day

Jacob being unable to handle all the Janine shade like a true bestie. ALSO, AVA COMING THROUGHHHH. This was such a great episode!

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The Law Cafe: 1x13 Even If Life Deceives You

Yu-ri making a wholeass contract about their sex life so that they're both satisfied, I STAN. Also, the cases remain relevant and important, yessss

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The Law Cafe: 1x12 Between Love And Horror

All of them coming together for the softest character, Woo-jin

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The Law Cafe: 1x11 It Was Only You From The Start

The revelations in this episode, I DIE. Mutant Tiger Moth x Crazy Landlord 5everrrr. Also, the balcony scene with all of them sharing a brain cell LOL

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The Law Cafe: 1x10 Brilliant Legacy

Jung-ho not being able to visit Yu-ri in the hospital and then being completely whipped for her in front of his mother and not even caring slfjslfl. Drunk Yu-ri is back! No, but all of them drunk and Jung-ho not having any of it haa

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The Law Cafe: 1x09 Lies, Lies, Lies

That scene in the bar LOL. I love this chaotic little found family

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Tomorrow: 1x10 Breath

Took me 2 months to sum up the courage to watch this episode because of the heavy storyline and I have to say, as much as it wrecked me, it was also handled with all the seriousness it deserves and wholly satisfyingly at that. Makes me wish that the ~endings in the real world would be just as much satisfying, TBH

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Little Women: 1x10 Episode 10

In-joo's hands up, I-

The amount of plot twists have me fucking stressed like who even knows what's gonna happen in the next scene let alone the next episode. I just want one thing, though and that's for IN-JOO AND DO-IL TO END UP TOGETHER :pray::pray: Their chemistry is too fucking good, I'm done for

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Little Women: 1x09 Episode 9

This episode, yet another serve. Shaking, crying, throwing up at the goodness of it all especially the Oh sisters and their hot boyfriends and girlfriend

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Little Women: 1x08 Episode 8

This episode is such a masterpiece. It REALLY had me going for a minute there and Go-eun nails the acting yet again, I'm in awe. And on top of that, the plot twists have me reeling

So relieved that Do-il is loyal to In-joo, my ship remains intact aaaahh. Can they now be reunited, though

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Little Women: 1x07 Episode 7

It was so hot of Do-il to do that with his car

Go-eun and Ha-jun's face acting is really what's doing me in, though. THE SUBTLE CHANGES IS WHERE IT'S FUCKING AT

Also, we really got a murderer reveal and I feel stupid but it's so well done that this is how it was meant to slowly dawn at the audience, I feel

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Little Women: 1x06 Episode 6

The ending sequence had me shook. Go-eun knows how to fucking act aahhhh

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The Law Cafe: 1x08 There Are Islands Between People

THEIR ANGST ERA HAS BEGUN. I so had a clue but dkhfsfj

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The Law Cafe: 1x07 Sin And Punishment

YOU'RE KILLING ME, SHOW. Jung-ho really got kidnapped by a middle schooler, huh. I find it so funny but they executed it all so seriously. So much so that Jung-ho became overcome with emotions over Yu-ri worrying about him and ended up kissing her, aahhhh. Can't wait to see how he reacts afterwards LOL

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The Law Cafe: 1x06 Unfathomable

What's a K-drama without characters having tragic backstories re: Eun-kang

Jung-ho taking over consultation for the day and being so harsh with the clients, I'm - Also, Jung-ho finally telling Yu-ri he likes her and her going home to analyze it, I love themmmm :sob::sob:

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The Law Cafe: 1x05 Thoughts On The Legitimacy Of A Kiss

One of the best episodes so far! Even the title is amazing LOL. Starting off with Yu-ri explaining her feelings to Jung-ho (him declaring the kiss illegal, though hskjkd) to their individual monologues about each other's behaviors and drunk Yu-ri! My fave. Woo-jin and Yu-ri's discussion about consent was done so well, too. I agree that asking for consent is sexy, though because just look at their last scene in this episode, eeee

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The Law Cafe: 1x04 In The Name Of Family

'What are you going to do if I keep being nice to you? Tell me. What are you going to do?' And then that little smile fjggjjf. Yu-ri was so real to scream into her pillow after that

This was such an emotional episode with the portrayal of familial abuse and calling out that abuse isn't always visible


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The Law Cafe: 1x03 Fan-cident

Joon's explanation of fancident, amazing LOL. Them rock and rolling, best scene, let's goooo. And of course, Jeong-ho in a suit and Yu-ri's reaction shdrkk

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Little Women: 1x05 Episode 5


Also, yes to In-kyung dating Jong-ho, please. They're fucking adorable with their tough girl/soft boy dynamic

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Little Women: 1x04 Episode 4

Do-il looks at the end with that music, I die

Apart from some frustrating things the sisters keep doing, I'm absolutely digging this still

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The White Lotus: 1x06 Departures

Shout by Sana

Yeah, I pretty much hated the entire show and at the end, all we got was rich people getting away with everything and them killing off the one character I actually liked. I feel like there are much better shows when it comes to the kind of discourse this show ignited from gender hierarchy to patriarchy, capitalism and whatnot.

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Big Mouth: 1x14 Episode 14

You gotta love to hate Choi Do-ha, huh

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Big Mouth: 1x15 Episode 15

Chang-ho's intimidation tactics, I die LOL. Episode 15 and momentum just keeps on building aaaah

Chang-ho and Mi-ho being so soft for each other, just give them a happy fucking ending, please

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1x05 Mean, Green, and Straight Poured into These Jeans

'A woman can be a literal superhero and some guy with an internet connection thinks he can do better.' AKDHSJ

Every single episode of this show (apart from maybe the second) has been a fucking delight and the next episode is gonna be a banger, eeee

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The Bear: 1x07 Review

And here I thought the previous disasters were stressful hshsjsj

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The Bear: 1x06 Ceres

'You want perfection, bro? Start with a shower. ' LOL

Richie remains an asshole, huh. The flashback, though =/

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The Bear: 1x05 Sheridan

The stress of it all, aahhhh

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The Bear: 1x04 Dogs

I can't with the napping kids (and Pete) LOLOL. Marcus is adorable with the desserts

Also, Tina warming up to Sydney?!

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The Bear: 1x03 Brigade

Tina is fucking ruthless, huh. But also, I could feel Sydney's stress oozing off of her

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