Boring ass episode. Too much focusing on stupid brat teenagers and mental cases.

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It's not a loop. It's a spiral.

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What a snooze fest. Like someone mentioned , if you want to know the main plot, just watch the last 10mins of every 1 hour episode.
The rest is just filler.

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This season is so bad.

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This show has me missing the writers strike.

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Personally I loved this episode!!!!!

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another worthless episode. Another hour and we haven't progressed further in the story.

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Shout by Tasa24
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-02-06T00:32:35Z— updated 2024-02-09T00:47:10Z

The episode is one hour long and only 10 minutes or less are about the actual case...
I don't care about Jodie Foster's daughter, Navarro's sister, Hank's romance scam, the newbie's family problems, the creepy lonely lady.
I feel that I'm watching an Alaskan soap opera.
The frozen scientists premise was impressive at the begining, but now it's kind of lost. And they added the Annie storyline and mixed the 2 cases together. I doubt that we'll find out what happened in either case

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Yup, this season is beyond redemption for me now. Every episode is almost interchangeable with the one before. The slow pacing, excessive dialogue and lack of events that actually make the story move forward makes it a boring chore to get through every week. Adding only 'melancholic music' almost makes me fall a sleep half the time.

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Kinda unhappy with how much more reliant this season is on the supernatural. I thought True Detective was supposed to blur the line between what's real and what feels real but this episode really cements in the supernatural part as being real and part of the plot. I don't mind the going ons of the other characters, that's all fine - fleshes out the town and I'm hoping the other characters play more of a role in towards the ending so that this extra level of characterization means something. But do appreciate this episode doing a mental health check on each character.

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Feel First Life
Jon Hopkins


Everybody Dies
Billie Eilish


Into Dust
Mazzy Star


This Wild Darkness


Baby, It's Cold Outside
Leon Redbone,
Zooey Deschanel

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I think they should have focused more on the investigation part rather than dragging this with character conflicts.

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This is what we call a filler.

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i can’t stand them cursing too much anymore.. it’s just a trash episode. The 10 min suggestion i am going to follow up on! Thanks

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Brilliant episode! Very intense. Love Jodie Foster in this role. Absolutely don't understand the harsh criticism.

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This episode went nowhere. This season goes down hill fast.

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Not much detecting going on. Too many people with mental issues.
This is not the True Detective that I was hoping for.
Like watching Fortitude.
Out of the four seasons so far, this is the poorest.

Maybe the next episode will suddenly spark into life, but I am not holding my breath.
None of the characters are decent, they're all a**holes.

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What a great show. Loving it! Awesome cinematography, great acting. Best season so far.

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Shout by sp1ti

Just how often are they gonna roll with the magic realism... it's hilarious.

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Anytime there’s real tension being built they throw in some supernatural bullshit that just makes you laugh and ruins any immersion

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when navarro said fuck it and lost it a little bit? yeah that was the hottest thing that ever happened to her, to me. thank you kali reis for your service

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Gosh. Buy them UV lights or something. Otherwise they will all become crazy, drug addicts or alcoholics during polar night. It's extremely depressing.

I can't say I enjoyed this episode. It's maybe good. For others. Personally, I hate horror movies though. And the scenes aboard the dredge are way more horror than I was prepared for.

PS: polar bears. Are they really that big? Or is that just strange AI.

PS2: is that only me or are you also expecting the white walkers from GOT to arrive soon?

PS3: Reis certainly knows what she's doing. Let her land some punches.

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Is there any chance that this show is able to stick the landing?

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I'm about to spiral out of control. Why? because we're in the Night Country

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